Title: Tholian Web
created on 29 Jun 12

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. chelydra wrote:
 Wonderfully succing PB... that and the title are crying out for favoritation, but for that I will have to kills one off and I'm not feeling fierce enough to that just now.
2. chelydra wrote:
 I can fit more typos into one sentence than anyone... succinct I meant to write, as in pithy, concise. and 'to do that'
3. marg wrote:
 I think succing is much more descriptive ! .. love the eerie reflections.. but where is the Enterprise ??
4. chelydra wrote:
 i was assuming the title was invented, maybe with some deep private meaning in the creator's bottomless mind... as the husband of two Trekkies I guess should know these things...
5. marg wrote:
 LOL at Baldur's bottomless mind :)