Title: Dismayed by Marg's "Oh no!"
created on 30 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. nancylee wrote:
 The bunnies try to deploy the coathanger trick
2. marg wrote:
 nancylee.. you've just made my day ! the coathanger's perfect, but I wonder about the corset ?? [ageing bunnies ?]
3. marg wrote:
 2nd thoughts.. brown bunny seems to be whacking white bunny in the ear with the coathanger.. taking advantage of the potted rabbit, heh ?
4. nancylee wrote:
 No, I think maybe it is a backbrace from an injury trying to watch TV thorough the window. Brown bunny is just trying to help. Remember standing there, "Not yet, not yet, YES hold it right there!"
5. marg wrote:
 LOL.. yep, I remember getting my flat-mate to move the antenna around, and the perfect reception always involved a contortionist's act !