Title: FT~Skinny People Talking About...
created on 10 Jan 12

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. gair wrote:
 ...how fat they are!!This is my pet peeve for Fun Tuesday!
2. Hazer wrote:
3. Lizzi wrote:
 Good one! That bugs me, too. Seems to be a bid for attention.
4. Normal wrote:
 They probably just have extremely skewed self images - annoying, but an awful problem to be stuck with. Often leads to anorexia!
5. indigo wrote:
 I have friends and know people like that and it REALLY bugs me! I think they just want to belong... :] Good pic gair!
6. Angela wrote:
 Good One! Some skinny people don't see themselves the way we see them at all.
7. DilCoura wrote:
 Gorduchinhas e magrinha, ficou legal!