Title: only 10 days, how will it all get done;)
created on 14 Dec 11

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. linmar wrote:
 i am looking forward to getting to the island where life is "RELAX, this isn't the mainland"! wishing all a peaceful and joyous holiday season!
2. sandm wrote:
 sure you`ll be geting where ever you wish:)..like the name of the "island".. that`s exactly what it is. And in the RELAX-mode it is a wonderful place:)
3. Lizzi wrote:
 Eliminate everything that doesn't really need to be done. It's amazing how much shorter the to-do list becomes! And we must all remind ourselves to b-r-e-a-t-h. Oxygen to the brain is an tonic.
4. sandm wrote:
 ..and my heart is with you:)
5. methusalinka wrote:
 waw linmar this face tells it all.thats for sure. hope you did have the relax-holidaytrip you needed and wished for.and followed the advices.that were all so caring.