Title: an animal
created on 30 Oct 11

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. methusalinka wrote:
  hej oceana and TILLYKKE as we say here in denmark when there is a birthday to celebrate though its the night after, your new year has begun.
2. methusalinka wrote:
  and I want to tell you that I completely fell in love with a picture you made almost 2 years ago. you called it an animal. and thats also what I see. but you put into the pic ture a lot of imagination, magic and fun. its so good.
3. methusalinka wrote:
 all too good not to be faved and voted for. so now this is done. and I hope you are painting a lot. cause you have a free mind.and hands eager and ready to make your own. animal
4. methusalinka wrote:
 or what ever you set your mind to. the bird you have drawn can fly. you can not. none of us can. but yet this your animal might. at least he flew into my night in nordjylland. so tillykke. from linka

User: oceana

Profile Picture for oceana

Date joined: 24 Jan 2011

Number of pictures: 33

 Historical Figures
 Halloween 2011