Title: Shroud of Human Sacrifice II (Riyadh)
created on 26 Sep 11

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Comments on this picture (35):
1. Login wrote:
 A deep subject. Is there a glimmer of hope now for the disenfranchised half of the population?
2. arcwbo wrote:
3. Lizzi wrote:
 One picture that is worth a million words! Well done.
4. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Ooh very dark, very clever use of the pieces suggesting the shrouded faces.
5. hjjr wrote:
 very interesting. . .
6. Dragon wrote:
 What a perfect name for this image. Wonderful and thought provoking.
7. artdillon wrote:
 i ll put the soapbox aside for this one and just say i love the idea of the menacing figures in the camoflaged shrouds suggesting something of a military nature,very effective.
8. Normal wrote:
 The king actually just gave women the vote! Of course it will be about a year before it goes into effect. He apparently got nervous in the Arab Spring. Very menacing deptiction.
9. chelydra wrote:
 The camoflage was unintentional and when I noticed they were looking military I tried to get rid of it... They weren't supposed to be a threat. Just human sacrifices (but not suicide bombs, except in the most abstract sense).
10. five wrote:
 makes me think mutants, except for the title ... these shrouds are heavy.
11. chelydra wrote:
 It's a companion piece to the shroud of Turin. Sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice, whether Christian or Islamic or Hindu or Aztec, seems to be a strangely persistent and recurring theme embedded in our collective unconscious or whatever.
12. chelydra wrote:
 Even Jesus wasn't 100% convinced it was a sensible idea, judging from his kvetches about his father's predilections in that direction.
13. chelydra wrote:
 But I did read an interesting essay by Fulton J Sheen (Catholic Televangelist of 1950s) pointing out that all of nature, all of life, depends on endless sacrifice, and the Holy Communion fits into with organisms eating other organisms outside of church (a
14. chelydra wrote:
 ...(as well as at the altar). But the shrouding of women, and the burning of witches, and all undeserved ritual punishments, still seem really weird to me. I would put God sending his Son to the cross in the same category. Not to mention making unbaptized
15. chelydra wrote:
 souls suffer for millennia in purgatory. And of course we sacrifice the only known living planet to the god we call money... all very weird...
16. chelydra wrote:
 In #13, "into" should be "in". I hate typos.
17. chelydra wrote:
 So, to try to pull this ramble together... I guess the issue is whether sacrifice serves any rational purpose, by which I mean tangible, material purpose (as opposed to psychological or theological purpose). Parents sacrificing selves for kids makes sense
18. chelydra wrote:
 but sacrificing kids for benefit or salvation of (or by order of) elders/parents (as in war or crucifixion), seems inside-out and backwards to me.
19. chelydra wrote:
 And a final footnote to tis screed: we all do sacrifice ourselves for love, as do all multi-celled sexually-repoducing organisms. Before there was love (sex), there was no death, just endless self-replication.
20. chelydra wrote:
 So the phenomenon of sacrifice is embedded in the nature of things, and it's the key to a lot of what makes life worthwhile. The issue (to repeat) is what purpose it serves, if any. Keeping women in cloth prisons doesn't seem all that useful or enjoyable.
21. chelydra wrote:
 In # 19, tis should be 'this'.
22. chelydra wrote:
 Another correction to #19, of course there was death when one-celled critters ate each other, but death was not inevitable. Reproduction by cell division keeps individuals going forever.
23. clorophilla wrote:
 a bit creepy and breathkeeping
24. bluemoon wrote:
 maybe endless self-replication was a form of love too.
25. bluemoon wrote:
 this is a great picture.
26. NADIA wrote:
 Powerfull,and emotional,great pic!
27. Chrissyjoy wrote:
 Very thought provoking and great fabric!
28. nancylee wrote:
 Your thought that before sex there was no death was fascinating to me. Even as a biology major I had never thought of it this way.
29. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Outstanding depth of art and thought chelydra!
30. debray wrote:
 Very compelling! And beneath the veil, hides the godess..She is the one who has been sacrified and hidden from humanity. Look up the meaning of the "false" godess, or "The Moon" in tarot symbology...
31. debray wrote:
 (sp) Goddess...Duhh...LOL
32. Qsilv wrote:
 I like these ramblings. #17's kind of sacrifice is easily distinguished as 'altruism'. #19 brings up 'apoptosis' -- but that's a whole different game from what this picture embodies.
33. chelydra wrote:
 APOPTOSIS!!!??? A cross between apotheosis and apoplexy? If its not what the picture is about tho I suppose I could change to title to avoid misunderstandings.. ANTIAPOPTOSIS might be catchy...
34. Fangzzz wrote:
 So many feelings with this one - hidden beauty, being made faceless and unhuman. Good sacrifice is based upon willfully delaying a reward or giving to others to edify them. It fail how covering what a cosmic power created can be uplifting. Great image.
35. Fangzzz wrote:

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