Title: Oscar & his Elf hat
created on 18 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. palmasbob wrote:
 This is really cute...
2. nancylee wrote:
 So does Oscar like his hat? Kind of looks like he does - more than most dressed pets. Love the curve of the hat!
3. Dragon wrote:
 Actually he hates the hat so much that I could barely get a picture of him in it. His brother wheres it a lot at Christmas but it's hard to do a grey cat in candy!
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 very cute!
5. lynnspotter wrote:
 Dragon, try again on the tower!
6. Abby wrote:
 I have a cat like Oscar ha...ha
7. archivarka wrote:
 i like the hat, perfect:)