Title: OUCH !
created on 08 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Robindcr8l wrote:
 what's making the android say "OUCH"? Has something painful occurred?
2. Baldur wrote:
 no, this is not the decapitated android, this is Dr Bear in Sweetface's ear canal
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 oh, my, it never occurred to me you could get a camera in there that would give you such a close-up shot!
4. Baldur wrote:
 it is the miracle of fibre-optics
5. Tim42 wrote:
 his eyes are funny,But what's happening with the letters in switzerland?
6. Tim42 wrote:
 and technically, he left the ear cannal when he passed through the ear drum, or tympanic membrain, so he's in the middle ear.
7. Login wrote:
 Did he catch a foot in the stirrup?