Title: opossum
created on 07 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. likemee wrote:
 i love this and i quite like possums but never seen an opossum, are they the same just without the 'o'?
2. autumn wrote:
 they are cousins....great job nancylee, I love your work!
3. rossy wrote:
 this is one of the nicest pictures on this site.. just lovely!
4. matthew wrote:
 Great pic... Wiskers are so hard... Think I will try a wiskers close up when I get time to draw some more.
5. nancylee wrote:
 Yes Matthew, but of course I was also trying to cover up the yellow center of the daisy. I was actually interested in doing the teeth, which were pretty good but got obscured in this whisker problem. Licorice in the candy would probably work better
6. nancylee wrote:
 Likemee - I think opossums are more sedate, because people who say opossum rarely eat them!
7. matthew wrote:
 the "o" isn't pronounced
8. matthew wrote:
 Here is the fix for the yellow spot... layer your daisies from the nose up to the forhead. Then you can cover the yellow spot with the purple petal you have just above the eye.