Title: Baron von Baren feeling smug
created on 05 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. Robindcr8l wrote:
 The Baron has a familiar blanket in his room and then there's that eyepatch...hmmm
2. Baldur wrote:
 Having arrived back at his Alpine castle he can put aside the unnecessary glasses and once more wear his eyepatch
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Does he happen to know nurse Bimbo's twin sister Bambi??
4. Baldur wrote:
 equally welcome in his customary bowtie, He ponders fow to open the lock on the briefcase
5. Baldur wrote:
 without detonating the safeguarding explosive charge
6. Baldur wrote:
 LOL you are too good at the Robindcr8l
7. Robindcr8l wrote:
 That cuckoo clock is AWESOME! Better than the Gummi Lisa!
8. Baldur wrote:
 Thank you. I think it's decreed by law in Switzerland that every castle must have one
9. Baldur wrote:
 (notice that the Baron dumped his American flashlight for a Swiss made one)
10. Robindcr8l wrote:
 I have no idea where this plot is going, as I am not as clever as you and Tim, but I can't seem to control myself from adding a frame here and there just to throw you. You guys have great imaginations!
11. Tim42 wrote:
 The clock is great, boy you just got back and really hit the ground running
12. Baldur wrote:
 too late matthew, they are not marshmallows