Title: Black headed Grosbeak
created on 10 Nov 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. five wrote:
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 Love it!
3. polenta wrote:
 pretty birdie
4. Lizzi wrote:
 Another good bird in fruit!
5. DilCoura wrote:
 Esse pássaro é o mais doce que ja vi.Gracinha!!!
6. hanging wrote:
 Sweet bird!
7. bluemoon wrote:
 lovely bird.
8. Geetha wrote:
 Very cute bird.
9. pinkie wrote:
 Very nice!
10. Shanley wrote:
11. five wrote:
 to answer your question, I can and click the smaller photo over from the profile page (not the big version. This ends up being a very small picture that has to be enlarged on software like photoshop. When you enlarge it, you lose resolution (clarity bec
12. five wrote:
  because additional pixels are extrapolated. You can do some things to sharpen the bigger image on photoshop, but bottom liken, you can't get it that much bigger. Once you have it on your computer, just print it.
13. five wrote:
 should say drag and click
14. five wrote:
 i use a Mac