Title: If only I were in my laboratory
created on 02 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Baldur wrote:
 I could solve this mystery with my high-tech gadgetry.
2. Tim42 wrote:
 ahhh, I see .... it's the morphine, It's affecting his brain.
3. Baldur wrote:
 Dr Bear has been watching YouTube a lot while recovering, He particularly likes (Dame) Shirley Bassey's cover of the old Pink song, 'Get the Party Started'. He recommends it to everyone in his situation.
4. SillySly wrote:
 It's a bird. No, It's a Plane. No, It's Dr. Scientific. Fab Job.
5. Raina wrote:
 Reminds me of an Etch-a-Sketch!
6. Moose wrote:
 I haven't seen an Etch-a-Sketch in years!
7. Baldur wrote:
 a very cool toy