Title: Baldur's childhood classroom
created on 28 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. gair wrote:
 Love everything about it; the starkness, the pattern, the balance. Excellent.
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 Ditto. Very good.
3. karbs wrote:
 Nice one lynnns!
4. polenta wrote:
 is that Mary Barbara?
5. indigo wrote:
 Well done! Could be mine too..LOL!
6. danila wrote:
7. Baldur wrote:
 How did I miss this? She is too thin to be Sister Mary Barbara; it more closely resembles Sister Maty Priscilla
8. Baldur wrote:
 Maty - t + r = Mary
9. Baldur wrote:
 also all the classrooms in that school were painted the same horrible shade of pastel 'hospital green', white walls would have been mental relief.
10. Baldur wrote:
 Very good, now I need a stiff drink
11. clorophilla wrote:
 scaring! My classroom too had the walls in that mouldy green!