Title: fairy in the sun
created on 10 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 She looks really wilted...Get her a seat in the shade and a cold lemonade.
2. Normal wrote:
 Right - too much sun is not good for the delicate wings! Enjoy ThinkDraw!
3. ellieRL wrote:
 it was my first attempt!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 And it's a very good one. I have never seen such a exhausted fairy! Once she's had her rest with lemonade in the shade, why don't you re-introduce her to us looking fresh and happy?
5. suzze wrote:
 Very good first picture, you go girl!
6. ellieRL wrote:
 thanks suzze

User: ellieRL

Profile Picture for ellieRL

Date joined: 10 Aug 2010

Number of pictures: 10
