Title: Watch Playback (Especially Gingerninja)
created on 09 May 10

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. geckogirl56 wrote:
 ha ha ive made my famous question into a pic :-)
2. GingerNinja wrote:
 GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND, GOOGLE IT! Doctor Who is an alien (he looks human) who travels through time in a TARDIS (Time And Relative Demension In Space) or time machine, that is disquised as a blur British Police Call Box.
3. GingerNinja wrote:
 (i meant blue, not blur) His name is the Doctor. He fixes and prevents things from happening in the past and future. Such as; saving the earth, and stopping aliens from taking over the universe. That isn't even the beginning of it, but sums it up quiet ni
4. GingerNinja wrote:
 ***but sums it up quite nicely (the last bit got cut off)
5. geckogirl56 wrote:
 see, now i dont have to google it :-)

User: geckogirl56

Profile Picture for geckogirl56

Date joined: 10 Apr 2010

Number of pictures: 64

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 Science Fiction