Title: Gulf Coast Disaster
created on 03 May 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. Login wrote:
 It's horrendous to watch this on the news. How much more can the Gulf Coast Take?!
2. Shanley wrote:
 how can they worry about money when there's a catastroph to control..shouldn't the authorities offer some support?
3. spam wrote:
 I agree with Login - this is such a massive disaster and absolutely horrendous.
4. chelydra wrote:
 It's a beautiful picture of an awesome ecosystem... Political propaganda should be beautiful whenever possible. (By the way, propaganda is a good thing.)
5. polenta wrote:
 cool pic, pretty colors... terrible ecodisaster.
6. Tracy123 wrote:
 Youve captured this well in your picture.
7. GingerNinja wrote:
 Heard about this on the news, hope it is resolved soon!
8. clorophilla wrote:
 I would make some drawing about this, but cannot... thank you for having the heart for doing this!
9. danila wrote:
 great job.. awareness is a must..