Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - my sister

1. 29 Jan 2010 16:31


i have a question,. my sister is maddyjeano80 and shes havingh problems getting onlkoine. wre cant get online from ouir house so we use grandmas compute she thinks shesd banned because every computer she logs into wont let her on the next day she asks forf her forgiveness and wants someone to let her back on. she tells me shell do anything to get baack on because shes having stress because she says thinlk draw is like a stress reliever she says i shou.d tell you guys that shes telling me to qrite this because she knows i wouldnt do this for her . so she thibnks theres gotta be somthing she can do to be unbanned. like maybe she tyhinks she oculd stay off the forums and do nothing bad evwer again, something klike this she bags. she knows theres some way she can fixz things. love your truly msddyjeano8

2. 29 Jan 2010 16:34



3. 29 Jan 2010 16:48


bna;dutr i know youre on now and maybe we could use aunti b topo because this forum needs to be looked at i dont know why but it does so there im supoosed to spread the word im getting paid 20 bucks but i probably wont get it

4. 29 Jan 2010 17:02


okaty so truthfully shes not telkling mer to write this but i owe her so this is how by getting her back on her favorite webs site

5. 3 Feb 2010 18:44


??????????????????????????????????? I don't get what ur trying 2 say, kimberly......