Think Draw Forums

1. 10 Nov 2009 16:00


Ok, I just had to do this. Any royalty members go ahead and do what I'm doing

My whole life, everyone's told me, "You can't"! Think Draw is something I can do. It's the only thing that keeps me occupied instead of brain-rotting television. I have come a long way since I started here, and even then people thought my pics were cute! Now, I'm better! Everything I make is bigger, time-consuming. Almost everyone knows my name. Even though it's hard for me to think this, am I now famous, like Matthew, or solo, or polenta? Yeah, a lot of people on here are famous in my book! You guys are all special, and I gurantee you'll be able to experience what I am able to, same goes to Arw65, baldur, and Chinky! Think Draw is my sanctuary! I would never think of worshipping it, but I could be addicted! YAY, FOR THINK DRAW! SAY IT WITH ME, YAY FOR THINK DRAW. TD RULES! So does everyone who decides to continue making new friends and discovering new abilities on Think Draw! I'd like to thank Rachel, for keeping it up and running. I'd like to thank every TDer who voted for me! I'd like to thank my fellow..... royalties. I'd like to thank my teacher, for introducing this site to me. But, most of all, (sorry matthew's ego!) I'd like to thank Matthew! Matthew, when I'm ready to get off of Think Draw for the day, the first thing I think of is, "Did Matthew draw any new masterpieces?''. I go and look at what Matthew does, and I am motivated to stay on Think Draw and keep practicing. One day, I have promised myself I will be as good as him! I hope for my entire life I will stay connected to TD. I want to grow up being able to talk to you guys, to keep you updated. You guys are like family to me, you're so very nice when I don't feel like I want to be. You guys, you guys....... sorry, tearing up (literally!). Thank you! :*)

2. 11 Nov 2009 07:04


I just wonder.... when you grow up, I'll be a great grandmother.
Maddy, what's your favorite subject at school? Remember to do your homework and to study what your teacher assigned to you.
And also...... go out, smell the flowers and socialize.

3. 11 Nov 2009 10:37


My turn!

I agree with maddy. When i first started TD i was going through some hard times. My friend was dying, and then she did. I almost thought about suicide, i felt so alone in the world. one of my first pics was of this friend before cancer. I got through it and still occasionally tear up (even at school). The words of Matthew and Lilalee were what kept me going. Lilalee encouraged me to find new friends and set out on this adventure of starting middle school without my friend. I have tons of other friends but they didn't really understand how it was for me. One of the worst things was peoples pity for me. Matthew and Lilalee were there with words keeping me going but without words like "i feel bad for you" that REALLY makes it worse. Lilalee is (i believe) my guardian angel. And matthew is just awesome. Matthew knew what i was going through because of his own mother. People told me they knew how i felt, they didn't. Matthew did. I will forever be in debt to all of you. Think draw continues to be part of my life, and i hope i continue it until my Alzheimers starts and i can't remember the website!!!

4. 12 Nov 2009 15:06


Maddy & Tater...

I'm glad to have touched both of your lives... I am sure you will both have wonderful things ahead of you... I look forward to hearing of your future triumphs...

5. 13 Nov 2009 15:58


Sweet Tater, I have looked for this speech for a few days and just found it. That was very sweet and kind of you to think of us like that. I have always thought, we don't grow old, but we continue to grow up. I too have lost both my parents, and several friends, and like you we grieve deep, trying to understand, and ask why? The Lord has all the answers, and He will comfort you when you need be. You will always remember your friend, and the fun you both shared. I'm sure you were a special friend to her also. Continue to draw, laugh, love and live. Love and good wishes to you, Tater.

6. 14 Nov 2009 20:18



7. 14 Nov 2009 22:22


I have never lost anyone b4, but I feel so Bad 4 u, Tater!

8. 21 Nov 2009 16:00


um... did you even read it???