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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

41. 16 Feb 2009 20:37


OK, will do.

42. 16 Feb 2009 20:46


I add my prayers for you Cute...

43. 17 Feb 2009 12:28


Update: It went really well! I think I have a good shot. I will probably hear something back next week. Please continue to pray that if this is an opportunity that God wants for me that it will be so. Thank you all so much for such a supportive community. I really appreciate it.

44. 20 Feb 2009 05:29


...Pray for my mom's salvation...

...Randi Dugger...

45. 20 Feb 2009 08:59


Matthew, for sure I will pray for your mom's salvation. My mom needs prayer for salvation too as well as my sister.

46. 20 Feb 2009 09:16


Matthew, I will pray for your mother. I'm sorry to hear the prognosis.

47. 20 Feb 2009 09:20


By the way, I did not get the job as I had hoped. Please pray for encouragement, strength, and wisdom for me right now. I feel like every day is just another day where I am drowning deeper and deeper. I will begin to see a counselor soon as well as depression medication.

48. 20 Feb 2009 11:09


...Stage 4 breast cancer. Found cancer in her bones & now have found a bunch of spots in her brain...

...My father died unexpectedly & suddenly in his sleep at the age of 51 back in 1994. I always thought it would have been nice to have known in advance so I could have said my I love you & good byes...

...This hurts so bad though, I don't know...

49. 20 Feb 2009 12:17


I'm really sorry cutegrl, will keep you in prayers. Matthew, no matter how a loved one passes to next world, it is HARD! Trust God with your moms salvation~ she is God's precious child you know! My prayers go out to your family!

50. 20 Feb 2009 13:59


Matthew, based on the Genesis account, had Adam and Eve not sinned we would still be perfect and so not ever die.

It is NOT natural for us to sicken and die. Our creator made us to live indefinitely, Ecclesiastes 3:11... Even time indefinite he has put in their heart...

It's no wonder you are having a hard time dealing with this illness of your mother's and the fact that your father died young. It shouldn't have happened. This should never happen!

Out of love for us He made a way out of this finite life, John 17:3 says "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."

You've already accepted Jesus as your savior; take comfort from God's Word, the Bible in this time of stress. James 4:8 says “Draw close to God, and He will draw close to YOU….” By a study of his word and through prayer you can have peace and comfort. "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6, 7.

51. 25 Feb 2009 05:39


... If you wish to read the daily journal or sign her guest book, go to ...

... Doctors say that everything is treatable. She has started radiation on brain & spine. They say she is doing so well that she may be able to come home tomorrow....

... Thank you for your prayers... God has called out to my mother & she is hearing his voice...

52. 25 Feb 2009 07:20


Oh wonderful! thank you for the update Matthew=)

53. 13 Mar 2009 07:22



I have begun to see a counselor. We had our first meeting on Wednesday and have another on Monday. She seems great and I think she'll be really helpful to get me moving again. I've been on depression medication for about two and half weeks now and I'm really feeling a difference. I feel like I was stuck in the mud just spinning my tires, not being able to get out. Now, I'm out of the mud, but I need to go to a car wash! Please continue to pray for me if you think about it. It's a long road and I'm doing an ok job so far, but there are days where I really need more encouragement.

As for job stuff, I've kind of taken a break on searching for now. I was tired of the constant rejection. However, two opportunities have been posed to me recently. One is for a company that I interviewed with WAY back in October and they may have new clients coming on board. The CEO I interviewed with contacted me about a week ago and told me if these clients go through, they would like to bring me on to manage them. I'm trying to not get my hopes up, but this would really be a great opportunity. The other one is a position I don't know a lot about yet but a recruiter contacted me and asked if I was still looking for a job. I'd like to get some more information from her first and I'll go from there. Please pray that God would lead me (and that I would listen!) to the path He wants me to follow. I really need a clear path because I am so uncertain.

Kevin (my fiance) recently got a job which is a praise in itself since he has been out of work since January. He is working for a renewable energy / alternative fuel company and he's really enjoying it so far (another praise!). Although this is yet another contract job, there seems to be more hope that he may be hired on as a "real" employee in the future. We're crossing our fingers, but trying again to not get our hopes up.

There's some more, but I've written enough for now. Sorry I haven't been drawing in a little while. I do visit often to vote and sometimes comment but I haven't been feeling very creative recently. I'm really enjoying the showcases and underlying storylines though. Especially Ernie's gorilla saga! Hope you all are doing well. I miss you!

54. 13 Mar 2009 07:28


...Many women struggle with depression. Men do not struggle with it, they just pretend it doesn't exist in hopes it will just go away...

...You are in my thoughts...

55. 13 Mar 2009 07:33


Praise God for all your blessings cutegrl! Know about depression~isn't it amazing how bad you can feel if you are short a few brain chemicals! Meds can work wonders at getting you back to normal! Hope job works out for you also so you can have a beautiful, happy wedding!

56. 13 Mar 2009 07:42


Thanks you guys Matthew, how's your mom doing?

57. 13 Mar 2009 07:44


Not well the last couple days... but she is strong... Thanks for asking...

58. 13 Mar 2009 21:49


Matthew, I often think of you and your mother and the rest of your family. When I think of you, I also pray for you. I pray for God to become more real to each of you. I pray for strength and courage and wisdom. As an oncology nurse, I participate intimately with families in the same struggle as yours. I know that the patient is not the only one suffering from the disease and/or treatments. I see the rollercoaster rides of hope and dispair, anger and elation, fear and courage. Those who know God just get through it somehow more intact. Those who don't know Him seem to do one of two things: either they seek Him out in desperation and finally find what they've been wanting all along, or they use everything they have to survive in their own power and finally shrivel up. It is almost a visible thing. I am praying that your mom will seek and and find Him.

We all know we will each reach the end of this life eventually, but we always hope "not now", "not this way". Cancer would be no one's choice, I am sure.

As a child, I learned a song that said, in part, "Safe am I, safe am I,
In the hollow of His hand./Sheltered o'er, sheltered o'er with His love forever more/ No ill can harm me; no foe alarm me/ for He keeps both day and night./Safe am I; safe am I, in the hollow of His hand." That's where I pray each of you will find yourselves as you walk this terrible road.


59. 23 Mar 2009 23:35


pssst.... anybody 'round here offering any prayers FOR (vs to) our Rachel?

; >

60. 24 Mar 2009 02:52


She is very much in my thoughts, Qsilv. This is such a brilliant site ... it must be something very serious to be down for this long. I feel guilty about all our reqests for more and more facilities ... did we break the system?