Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Do Our TD Efforts Mean Anything?

1. 28 Apr 2009 17:22


What are we all doing here?

2. 28 Apr 2009 17:24


Are we creating art?

If so - then why not on the street or in the gallery?

There's a handful of us that are apparent die-hards.

But is it art if we only show it to each other?

Or is this some glorified mutual masturbation? (Controversy implied emphatically!)

3. 28 Apr 2009 20:01


I've wondered the same thing. What is this? I've painted since 1994, did art shows which I hated, and did some craft and art combined shows, which I loved. But now I'm burnt out. It took the fun out after awhile. And I find on TD, I look more than I draw! Why's that? I think everyone is artistic, and one either likes it or couldn't care less. I myself am fasinated by this place. I've looked at the other drawing sites that five gave us, and you know I think its the connecting with other humans here. Maybe some are handicapped, or just don't connect face to face, who knows? Its very hard to get your work out there, as everyones an artist. There are so many. so to stay in our little abode, maybe in pj's, smoking, drinking and all the whatnaut! Conversing a little with others is what we are doing here! Why are you here??

4. 29 Apr 2009 04:34


It's a wonderful creative outlet, especially for those who maybe aren't as artistic, but who love being creative. It's a great place to feel inspired by all the talent surrounding me. And it's a great place to come when I should be doing homework...

5. 29 Apr 2009 08:01


I'll second midnightpoet except replace "homework" with "work". ;-)

6. 29 Apr 2009 08:18


I do it to put off doing the things I should be doing. It's a great place to stick your head in the sand.

7. 29 Apr 2009 08:42


Oy Vey, Ron.. enough already - too much of the introspection ~ think, draw and be happy !

8. 29 Apr 2009 08:47


yea, Marg has this right! I fell for it!:(

9. 29 Apr 2009 10:21


Well I came just to play around, relaxing with nooooooo pressure. It was fine as just a solitaire type of game or puzzle.

But I wound up liking the people enough to join in commenting and banter.

And there are enough new ideas floating around that I've discovered it functions as well as most art workshops for getting one up out of the inevitable rutted road of working alone.

And THEN I recently realized I really have grown significantly here in one artistic way--

My natural tendency is to draw. Lines. Not mass. My paintings have been faulted for that, for "drawing with a brush", for not being "painterly" enough. It's a technique issue. TD's collage structure has forced me to work in a way that's affecting how I now use a brush!

Does it mean anything? (smiles) To me, yup.

10. 29 Apr 2009 10:34


You're right! Most of my painting here at home is decorative painting with brush technices, tricks with the brush, and rarely straight lines! I panic at straight lines. Yet on TD I can't use a brush, and find most of the time, doing drawings here require some method of lines. And in my head I can do it, yet not on this screen. I have looked back to the beginnings of you and some other artists, and see something kicked in, at sometime. For me, not yet! But like you say...It all means something toall of us!!

11. 30 Apr 2009 00:04


I've been trying to get a friend of mine just to look at my work here on TD. I've sent the link to the site, to my profile, to my gallery, and most recently several of the stories I've been writing here. She won't even look; either that or she hates my work so much she's pretending to not have seen it. So I guess in the real world, at least my work here means nothing.

My mother also thinks its a total waste of time, mind you, she'll play free cell till the mouse whimpers.

I love it. It’s a joy to me.

12. 30 Apr 2009 01:42


" ... till the mouse whimpers." What a great line ... it's a joy to read ... and your drawings are a joy to see. Keep drawing and writing, solosater. You are very creative.

13. 30 Apr 2009 03:42


This place forces me to think of different ways to use color and shapes to achieve the end I want. It's also soooooo much fun to see what other people come up with.

Also, creative people are much more fun to talk to.

14. 30 Apr 2009 07:07


I don't really care what people outside TD think of my work here. I just enjoy playing here and seeing everyones work. I also find myself really enjoying the fun people and topics here.
I guess the answer to the question 'Do our TD efforts mean anything' is completely subjective. My work means something to me and that's enough for me (though I do love getting comments).
I would say the work and opinions of a great many other people on this site mean something to me as well, so from a narcisstic point of view that means their work means something too.

15. 30 Apr 2009 13:12


Marg said: "Oy Vey, Ron.. enough already - too much of the introspection ~ think, draw and be happy !"

Thanks Marg. I needed that. You nailed it too. It's introspection and staying up late and not feeling like drawing and not feeling like surfing or tv or books.

So I've been posting on TD...

But it's the introspection that's gotta stop.

If this is my mid-life crisis I guess it could be worse

To be happy, act happy. To act happy, be happy. My new mantra..

Thanks. (All men should have a woman to slap them kindly in the face once in a while!)