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Forums - Community - Controversy!

1. 27 Apr 2009 21:44


This is an open challenge. Please take offense at whatever in the world offends you and post your response here!

2. 27 Apr 2009 22:30


I take offense at people who are really easily offended!


3. 27 Apr 2009 22:31


I hope that didn't offend anyone.

4. 27 Apr 2009 23:46


Oy my Gawd! Solater... You knocked it out of the park.

You hit on my point in the 1st post...

My only true offense is at people who take offense...

This whole thread was designed to draw them out so I could pounce...

Now you've killed my game

5. 28 Apr 2009 00:10


SO sorry, I actually have writen a little note....

I'm done!

Let it go, people are not out to get you, but if you keep this up they may be.

I may be one of them.

6. 28 Apr 2009 04:48


I absolutely refuse to post anything here, oh wait.....

7. 28 Apr 2009 06:24


I find dirty shoes offensive! ??? All my life I pretty much had the same attitude as solosater. I didn't let anything bother me and couldn't understand why others would be offended by anything in life. I thought about this for hours! I don't know why, its a good conversation starter! And then I realized, maybe, because i'm older now, or being a mom, wife, friend or citizen of the US, that I do become offended! So then I thought when did this happen? My answer to myself was, life experiances'! We all have them, and if someone or something comes into my life that will infest my home and family then, yes, I'm offened!

8. 28 Apr 2009 07:00


I get offended. Not at everything, some things are too offensive to let go. I don't want to develop an "I don't care attitude". I get offended when people hurt peoples feelings with caring. That's offensive.

9. 28 Apr 2009 07:00


Correction: ....hurt peoples feelings without caring.

10. 28 Apr 2009 07:38


There's only 2 things in this world that offend me. People who are intolerant of other cultures... and the Dutch!
(I'm not actually offended by the Dutch - just love that line)

11. 28 Apr 2009 07:40


LMAO Dragon... OMG... I am in tears...

12. 28 Apr 2009 08:11


Dragon, I love your sense of humour.
My husband has a favourite saying: "If I have a fault, which of-course I haven't, it's modesty.

13. 28 Apr 2009 08:12


(Btw, I like the Dutch).

14. 28 Apr 2009 15:12


I certainly didn't mean to imply that I'm never offended; in fact I can be very much offended when people are careless and hurtful, when people are racist or bigoted, I hate hearing foul language (I mean really, how many ways can you use the word?).

What I mean is that just because I’m offended doesn’t make it a big issue, and if I turn it into one that is my fault.

Some people don’t know any better; my aunt is the most bigoted person I know and I will never change her, I really just try to stay away from her.

If I choose to be around someone or something that offends me who’s fault is it?

Get away from it, turn it off, don’t bring it into your home and Let It Go!

15. 28 Apr 2009 15:13


Also, as far as I know, I don't know any Dutch but I'm sure they're very nice people.

16. 28 Apr 2009 16:04


Amen to all of these posts! You guys have a very eloquent way of getting a message across

17. 28 Apr 2009 17:21


As for offensive language... We had a Supreme Court decision today here in the states (US) concerning the "F" word.

"F" does not stand for Foul. It IS considered foul language just about anywhere. But let me say this - I believe, without an ounce of irony, that the "F" word is the single most versatile word in the entire english language.

There is nothing on the entire range of human emotions that this word cannot be used to express. Nothing!

I could rate your best pic and your worst with this single word and you would "get it".

I could say it of our current president or our last.

I actually don't know of any other word with this power!

And I believe it's "offensive" nature is where this power comes from.

So this forum now becomes more interesting...

18. 28 Apr 2009 17:25


I was talking to someone about this yesterday...I once had a neighbor, every other word was the "F" word, it never bothered me when he said it, it was part of him, he'd even use that word affectionately! But from some other people I find so offensive I could gag. Yes! I'm guilty too sometimes, for me, it's like vent. Nothing hurtful is meant by it. If I do say it it's outloud, to myself and not to others. I'm human.

19. 28 Apr 2009 17:27


Leave it to Ron to come up with an interesting topic! It's hard to keep from laughing out loud!

20. 28 Apr 2009 17:31


BTW, I have to agree with you. You can say something to someone, nothing happens! Throw that "F" word, bingo it's done! Not thought about it's power until you mentioned it!