Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Profiles

1. 17 Apr 2009 04:15


Some really interesting TDers have nothing in their profiles. Is there a reason? Comments?

2. 17 Apr 2009 05:14


Maybe they still have not seen the "Edit Profile" button.

3. 17 Apr 2009 05:18


I've always been suspect of unfilled profiles. When I suspect a "childs" identity, I head right there. It speaks volumes when someone doesn't fill part of it out? That's not even a clue, it makes me wonder.

4. 17 Apr 2009 08:21


I think a lot of people havn't found the Edit Profile yet, but I do seem to find quite a few who have a little bit of info filled in but not much more. Though I suppose some people find that stuff too personal and don't want it out there for everyone to see.

5. 17 Apr 2009 08:35


When I joined, I filled out my profile right away, and have since changed it a little. But I do think alot of people are being careful and have noticed some draw for a few weeks then add something about themselves. I think its nice to know a little something about our favorites, as it gives me a mental pic. Like a book, I need a good description of the person I'm reading about! But that is just me!

6. 17 Apr 2009 08:37


I agree, it doesn't hurt to put a place of origin, age (arbitrary), put how old you feel! Maybe some hobbies or something. It's hard not having a face to speak to.

7. 17 Apr 2009 08:41


When I first joined there wasn't a profile page, I only found out about it when some of the others were mentioning how much they liked it. I thought it was a great idea and I filled mine in right then. I don't think I've changed it since.

8. 17 Apr 2009 08:42


It reminds me, when I was in grade school, having pen pals! I'm sure a young person today would laugh! They have the internet of My Space and cell phones. In fact my son came in last night with a new cell, and you can draw on it! And in colors!! Makes me feel old!! Haha.

9. 17 Apr 2009 09:04


I can understand not putting some things, but nothing. You can't miss it. If you use computers you know what "profile" is. It certainly doesn't mean the way your standing!

10. 17 Apr 2009 09:08


Thats funny! Your right, one should put something! And our profile would be sitting in a chair at the computer with TD!!!! You made me laugh!!

11. 17 Apr 2009 10:47


(ahem) gosh... My drawings, my comments, and nowadays my contributions to the forum are the way you get to know me.

I choose to go on leaving mine empty.

Cheers anyway, folks.

12. 17 Apr 2009 11:01


Qsilv - not even a tiny little bit! We want to know whose a guy or a gal. Ok, you're a person of mystery. Nothing wrong with that, we have to respect that.

13. 17 Apr 2009 11:22


(smiling now...) km, you're a sweetie, AND your work is sooo good that I search it out regularly.

Luna, you asked a fair question, kindly put. (And yeah, your work is jealous-making good... lol.)

Let me ask you all a question-- where else in this life besides the internet do you get such an opportunity to meet the inner person before the outer?

14. 17 Apr 2009 11:26


I guess if you fill it out honestly it could be called "Profiles in Courage!"

15. 17 Apr 2009 11:41


It's the glowing, intriguing, inner person that makes one curious about the outer person

16. 17 Apr 2009 11:41

Robindcr8l My profile. LOL

17. 17 Apr 2009 11:54


I get very curious who I'm commenting too, it holds me back sometimes from commenting on something. I hate secrets!

18. 17 Apr 2009 12:43


I had my town and state on my profile, I now believe that isn't a good idea after seeing some of the weirdness that has gone on in this group.

19. 17 Apr 2009 13:14


I live in a large state. I see your point. It's scarey, you never know. Some of the things give me the creeps. You know what, you can't live your life in fear. You need to be careful and watchful. I got frighten once, where I used to live, I pulled in my garage, it was late and very dark. The snow had fallen and it was a hard snow. As I got out of the car I heard a crunch. It made my hair stand up! Whoever it was ran when I screamed. I had to hold on to a fence to walk I was so frightened. Didn't go out at night for a month. Looked out the window one of the nights and saw a car that I remembered from that night parked several cars away and someone was in it! Yeh! Be careful.

20. 17 Apr 2009 15:32


Seeing the outer person often stops us from being curious about --or looking carefully at-- the inner person.