Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Puzzled?

1. 15 Apr 2009 18:34


These drawing have gotten no attention:

I don't get it. Drawings all around these drawings have votes. The hand on one of these is good but not a vote!!? I voted for it so it wouldn't site at the bottom with the non-books that were piling up at the bottom. Does anyone else have a picture or pictures they don't understand why they didn't hardly a vote if any? List them here. The yellow backgrounded drawing I drew yesterday and the one with the hand has been there for most of the day.

2. 15 Apr 2009 19:22


That one vote from me was with each picture.

3. 15 Apr 2009 20:04



First up, I really like the hand and the lift button, and would probably have rated/commented if I hadn't seen this Forum thread first.

It would appear that you've actually got two 'active' users on Think Draw (DMarla and DMarcella), and if that's the case, I'm really not sure of the ethics in voting for one of your own works while logged in as the other one (and it looks as if you're often logged in as both at once).

There are hundreds and hundreds of really good pictures that either get overlooked, skipped or just ignored - and I know that some of the ones that I've considered to be my best have received few if any votes - it's just the way it goes !

4. 15 Apr 2009 20:11


Yeah, happens to alot of us! Like Marg says "its the way it goes". Like your hand too, but have not been to Showcase yet today. I actually like the comments more so than the votes. Though votes are nice!

5. 15 Apr 2009 20:17


I would like someone to tell me - why votes seem so important. Yes, they're nice to get. But, your world will not fall apart if someone doesn't vote? Personally, votes don't mean a thing it seems. I too, enjoy the comments. They're nice.

6. 15 Apr 2009 20:21


I would like to add, there are some very nice drawings that do receive votes or comments. Perhaps that person doesn't do likewise. I don't mean this in a nasty way at all. Some may not know it's nice to spread the word a bit and make someone's day with a nice comment on their hard work.

7. 15 Apr 2009 20:23


Marg, thanks for saying you would of voted. No one can be signed in with both users at the same time. I just post using the wrong user name at times. I do not have two users so I can double vote for myself, I am a pretty honest person so that is nothing anyone has to worry about. When I vote for my own drawing for Dmarla it come from the Dmarla account so if you thought otherwise you were mistaken.

I got another user because I was being harassed and needed a rest from that. I have no wrong motives in mind. These drawing only had a 1 votes when I posted this if I was voting for myself with both users I would of had 2 votes so I'm not sure where this confusion came in. I hope this clears up any concerns anybody may have. I talked to Rachel before I opened the second account. I am keeping it because I can save drawings on both and I now have drawings saved to both accounts. I just think I did really well on that hand and I spent a lot of time on it so it is hard to believe it wasn't noticed when everyones picture near mine out votes. Only my two books and one of Five's didn't get any votes yet. I'm just trying to figure out how that picture could of not been liked if that was the reason it got no votes after all that time.

8. 15 Apr 2009 20:27


Don't feel bad DMarla - others, myself included have spent many hours working on drawings and don't get the response we'd like. We all want and look for that "WOW" picture.'ll do one and when you least expect it, bingo! I don't think it matters anymore.

9. 15 Apr 2009 20:43


KM, well I give votes and comments to drawing all the time so if you mean me then I don't know why you are saying that. I vote and comment for your pictures all the time but when I am having a bad day I vote more than comment. On those days even my drawings aren't as with it; I don't really ever have good days but I do my best. I am also always commenting that I like your stuff in this forums so if I did something to offend I'm sorry I didn't mean to do so. Sometimes I don't comment on someone's drawing because I don't see what they see, we all have a different eye when it comes to art. There there is the, if it isn't a 5 vote don't vote, sometimes that gets in the way at times.

10. 15 Apr 2009 20:48


DMarla - I am not saying anything about you DM. Not at all. That comment was not aimed at you. What I'm say is, you go along and comment on someones work, vote on it. But they never do the same. I don't feel votes mean anything anymore. I have seriously been thinking about leaving, I put my heart and soul into what I do and it doesn't go anywhere. I have a lot to say on the subject, and no, it doesn't include you, and don't think it does. I'm saying not getting a vote, isn't the end of the world for me.

11. 15 Apr 2009 20:56


I would like to add that I have had the privilege of meeting, if you will, some wonderful people on the site. I have a great respect for their opinions and their work. Their comments mean a great deal to me.

12. 15 Apr 2009 21:22


KM, I understand what you are saying. It isn't the votes that I am looking for, it is just knowing that someone likes it enough to vote, that I didn't in fact do the drawing for not - not getting anything from them and just wasting my time. That's why I try to see if I can use my drawings on my site. I too weigh the plus and minuses of being in this group and I see that the minuses win hands down.

13. 15 Apr 2009 21:38


I could go on too; I just don't get the votes that others do that don't draw as well as I do. I don't know why that is but it has me wondering and questioning myself which isn't good. That's why I wish no one knew the owner of each drawing until the votes were in. I think this would mean we would have to have two showcases instead of a showcase and a gallery. The showcase would stay as it is but the other showcase that was the gallery would be the same but it too would have a time limit until all is revealed.

14. 15 Apr 2009 23:26


I put my book drawings on my site page:

15. 16 Apr 2009 00:36


Marg, DM is not the master of disguise ... I've known for months that she has two user names, and I've never seen her misuse them in voting.

Don't be disheartened by the lack of votes, DM. I don't think there is much voting going on at the moment. I'm tired ... but I will bounce back because I enjoy this site immensely. Keep on drawing ... I, for one, will be browsing and voting again very soon.

TD is changing all the time and people have their own favourites, likes and dislikes. I rarely vote on patterns ... they don't often draw my eye. Abstract drawings often confuse me and I usually pass them by ... there are some that are so attractive that I can't resist but, mostly, I am drawn to realism.

I also think that many are tired of the flawed voting system and don't vote because of that. Hang in there folks ... I am the eternal optomist and I'm convinced that the voting system will change ... and poeple will bounce back.

16. 16 Apr 2009 04:31


When we, as artists, expose our art to the world we become somewhat vulverable. When we create something from nothing (either song, dance, all art forms, the written word) we are left open to criticism, good or bad.

I too have felt this way, not feeling people are recognizing my work in the same way as some others. I starting looking for comments more than I should, instead of enjoying the art of creating in this new way.

I feel, being new, there are many people who look toward their old friends, and hard to get into the group, whether in the forum or through the gallery.

I am gong to try to continue to draw, for the pleasure of creating and being creative. It does feel good to have someone comment and even vote on your work, its human. But again, its the feeling that we matter in this world, and we all need that...sometimes more than others.

Thanks for listening to me.

17. 16 Apr 2009 04:37


Not getting votes on a drawing is akin to working all week and not getting paid? I would rather they delete the competition and not vote. I think drawings get pushed to the back too fast and would-be-voters don't see them. On a highly visited day your picture might only appear for several hours then it's on page 4. Browsers don't often go back several pages, when it's in front of them, it's voted and commented on. It seems there are time limits and if the vote isn't there by then, forget it. You have an advantage if you have access to several computers and use several names. There goes the ethics. As long as you like your drawing and have that sense of fulfillment that is important. We all like votes and that feeling that comes with it. Gee, what does 25 votes feel like, I don't know. What do you have to draw to get it? I don't know.

18. 16 Apr 2009 04:43


Kids seem to get the best attention; I'm changing my birthyear in my profile.

19. 16 Apr 2009 04:56


I agree, the voting thing gets in the way of the art form. You ask what is it like to get 25 votes, how about in the double digits? I did something, I didn't think I would do... I voted for myself. I created what I thought was a clever and well done drawing called, "follow the yellow chick road." It got 9 votes, and I just wanted to be in the double digits, just once. So I voted shamelessly for myself. I don't know why I felt I had to do that, but I did.

The voting and comment thing is addicting. I know people who do facebook, and they are always looking for comments on their wall. When you get one, you just want more.

This is a good test in humility and feeling good about oneself. I am working on it, and think draw is just another tool (no pun intended) to help with that.

20. 16 Apr 2009 04:57


KM, you have many pictures with 25 to 30+ votes, and many admirers: