Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Showcase (BK)

1. 14 Apr 2009 12:44


Just thought I'd threw out this idea to anyone that might like to use it. There are so many drawing in the showcase that are not book titles right now; I thought it would make things easier on Rachel if we put (BK) after the title header or as a comment in the comment box message.

2. 14 Apr 2009 14:30


Clever idea!

3. 15 Apr 2009 13:29


maybe the showcase has been edited by now,but all I see there are books.

4. 15 Apr 2009 18:41


It must be hard for Rachel sometimes to know what is meant to be in the showcase. It is harder with the books I think; I had to look some of them up to see if they were books or not. It would be nice if we had a way to let her know they are a book. Only those that had read how to do that would have the telling item next to there picture. Those new and got in the showcase in error would probably wouldn't know to do this and would be easier to spot. I'm thinking (S) after the title would work or even this @ or this *.