Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Share how you save/spend less

1. 9 Apr 2009 09:18


1. Free online movies:
2. library - use of printer, I don't buy ink or paper, and for books and movies. The first $1 worth of printouts are free. I have been doing this for over a year and haven't used my $1 worth yet!
3. Enter contests for wants - theater tickets, books and movies etc.
4. Church activities - something going on all the time
5. I don't buy paper products except toilet paper
6. I use less of everything including laundry detergent
7. I draw on here instead of buying art supplies
8. Shop thrift stores
9. Sales at Dress Barn with store coupons
10. I don't have cable, a cell phone, ipod, or the like
11. I limit my gardening cost and make use of seeds
12. I make gifts doing crafts and sewing - not cheap but it gives me something to do that I enjoy so I save that way
13. I use Octagon dish detergent and Xtra laundry detergent
14. Clubs/groups to join are usually free unless you want their newsletter which is usually $20 or less for the year.

2. 9 Apr 2009 09:41


1. I bake my own bread, usually twice a week.
It costs 75% less to make it than buy it.
2. We use cloth napkins rather than paper.
3. I get 2 cents back from my supermarket for each reusable bag that I use when shopping, this also helps keep plastic out of the landfills.
4. A friend of mine raises chickens, I trade him produce from my garden for eggs from his chickens.
5. We've gotten into the habit of giving baked goods as gifts, NOBODY is disappointed when they get a cake or pie.
6. I get my garden fertilizer for free, a neighbor around the corner has a couple horses and is grateful that I will haul away the manure.
7. I have a 'pay as you go' cellphone, which works for me as I very rarely use the phone anyway.
8. I reuse my printer paper.
9. I use a Thermos bottle and carry it around in my truck with me when I'm out. Never pay $1+ for a cup of tea; if it were coffee that would be even a bigger savings
10. I try to buy books, cds, dvds used whenever possible

3. 9 Apr 2009 09:43


11. I make my own thongs from recycled disco-era blouses

4. 9 Apr 2009 09:49


1. I make my own scrub tops for work.
2. I buy from the remnants fabric bin when possible and when not possible I only buy fabric on sale.
3. I use my fabric softener sheets for more than 1 load.
4. I buy my gas at Superstore gas station - they give back 7.5 cents per litre in a coupon you can use at the store.
5. Also use reusable shopping bags.
6. Like Baldur I often buy used books. (The store I use gives you a further discount if you bring back their books in good condition)
7. I use a Brita filter instead of buying bottled water (Also keeps bottles out of the environment.

5. 9 Apr 2009 09:49


This is a blog that gives great tips on how to save and manage your money and resources better. It's a great read! Here are a few of my own:

1. I put a mason jar in the toilet tank to save water every time I flush
2. I rarely go out to eat and look through online food sites and magazines for recipes to keep meals interesting and delicious
3. I reuse plastic grocery bags for taking my lunch to work, for trashcan liners, etc.
4. I try to print double-sided whenever possible (and use recycled paper)
5. I recycle everything I can and only throw away what can't be recycled

6. 9 Apr 2009 10:25


We have cut down on groceries and entertainment. My local grocier has the best meats, so, every morning they mar down most of the packages from the day before. They close at 9pm, and at 8pm, mark down all their breads, buns and baked goods to 25-60 cents a pkg. So we stock up and freeze them. Alot of the big stores like Mejers, mark down their meat about 3 am. I find if I cook more, than freeze for later, it saves alot of money and time. Actually, we eat less meat, and more veggies now. I do make my own desserts from scratch. If fruit starts to turn, then make fruit bread or muffins. I use my freezer for stock. And soups are a big saver ! Libraries for books movies and magazines. Having friends, family over for dinner, games, conversation is great entertainment. Church, musuems, parks have lots going on. As do galleries. Garage and estate sales, couldn't live without, when we need something ( like garden tools etc.) Bartering is popular here, and fun. We got a discount on our furnace installation from a relative. I have to make him cookies once a month! Its just thinking about what you need and what you need to do to get the best bargain, without running around and wasting your time and gas.

7. 9 Apr 2009 11:04


Wow, I am glad I post this. Cutegrl289, I will be checking out that site you gave. You all gave great ideas. Some of them I do and hadn't mentioned them: I too use my own bags when grocery shopping, some stores give back 5 cents while others have stopped doing that. I also use envelopes that my mail came in to write things down. I don't use dryer sheets at all. I share a dryer with one two other people in the building so my clothe are always soft without my buying them. You can get soft clothe by adding a few teaspoons of vinegar to your wash instead of butting the chemicals on your clothe from dryer sheets.

8. 9 Apr 2009 11:10


Should read, that I share a dryer with two people and instead of putting (not butting), chemical on your clothe from dryer sheets. I cut my own hair as well. I basically cut back to the point that I am paying rent and buying food. The rest goes for auto expenses and the like that come up.

9. 9 Apr 2009 11:22


Its been over a year now that I have bought hardly a thing. I started entering contests again so that's what helped me the most. I feel if I am meant to have it I will win it. I use to get things from but I don't do that much any more since I got junk more than treasures. I find them more useful for getting rid of things. I still look at what is being offered now and then though. I sure wish we could grow our own gardens here.

10. 9 Apr 2009 14:22


Oh yeah... and just about all my furniture in my apartment (except my bed which I splurged on) is from craigslist. Love craigslist!!!

11. 9 Apr 2009 14:48


I love Craigslist too, I find a lot of things there

12. 9 Apr 2009 15:28


This is funny, but I have alot of friends who do use craigslist, alot of these girls redo used products and use or resell. But the town I live in, we have unlimited pick-up twice a year, and that week, its a caravan of vehicles curbside shopping! At first I was aghast,until I went with some friends, and have to say, its one of the best times I had with my gal friends. Really found some treasures. People around here throw good things away, as their too lazy to look for some one who could use what they toss. My best treasure was a Conn trumphet in its case, which my son sold to another band member at school. No wonder our land fills are in a mess!

13. 9 Apr 2009 18:21


Wow, Lilalee that's great with the curbside pick-up, wish it was like that here. Most of my stuff I bought new because I didn't have other options until recently. I did get a few things from Freecycle like my kitchen table and two chairs and the thick glass I placed on a metal rack that I now use for my PC table (I didn't want a PC table because a rack can be used for a rack if I don't need the PC table later. I also found a bench curbside that I use with my kitchen table that I painted each to match. I got one of my recliners for $50 at Goodwill but the other one I bought new at Little Bobs. I bought my platform black enameled metal bed online about a year ago for a low price. I wanted a new bed since I had never had a new one before. I would never of been able to find a bed like that in a store. I have never tried Craigslist.

14. 9 Apr 2009 18:39


Bought my motorcycle from craigslist... Get a lot better fuel ecconomy than my big truck...

I buy my used thongs from Baldur's recycling program...

15. 10 Apr 2009 14:08


There is something horribly disturbing about the words "Used Thongs". Somehow those two words simple should not go together. (Though I will admit, that would be quite the money saver matthew)

16. 15 Apr 2009 13:12


I've been away for awhile and this was the 1st thread I stumbled on when I returned

So here are mine:

1) Steal internet connection from neighbors!
2) Switched from Absolut ($30) to Smirnoff 3D ($12) to Popov ($7)
3) Got rid of cable and built my own antenna out of coat hangers (I miss DVR tho)
4) Discovered Raman noodles and bologna sandwiches. (I never knew about these things - apparently they are common-knowledge with college kids and starving artists.
4a) Did some experimenting and found Raman can be "hooked up"
4a1) Beef flavored Raman
4a2) Use only 1-1/4cup water instead of two
4a3) Add Garlic Salt, Lot's of Chili Powder, Black Pepper and Red Pepper
4a4) Microwave everything 6 1/2min on high.
4a5) Add two slices cheap American cheese.
4a6) Microwave another minute
4a7) Stir everything together
4a8) Looks like baby poo but once it cools enough to eat it's phenomonal.
4a9) Final price for late-night snack - about $0.20
5) Stopped adding ground beef to spaghetti sauce - I really don't miss it and it cuts cost in half

And finally...
6) Eat at my friend's houses as often as possible!

Mooch mooch mooch!

17. 15 Apr 2009 14:26


Anotherronism, you told me on how to boost my internet signal but I lost that information can you give it to me again.

Here are a few of mine I forgot: Freezer bags are expensive this is what I do. I bag all meats in the sandwich bags that seal closed. Then I put all in the freezer bags. I keep using the freezer bags this way and only have to buy the cheaper sandwich bags.

18. 15 Apr 2009 15:14



I can't remember either...

Can you remind me of your current situation? Are you connected directly to the internet or are you wireless?

Do you have cable, dsl, dial-up or other?

Is it a signal problem or does your whole computer run slow?

If you remind me of the details of the problem I can inject a bit of sage Ronism wisdom. Maybe

19. 15 Apr 2009 16:55


I am close to a hot but I don't have a portable internet device so I can go there and use their free services. I do have a Mac desktop here so I was thinking if I had a stronger connection I may be able to surf off of this hotspot. I'd like to find a way to end my expense of paying for DSL service since I only bring in about $1000 a month to live on. My rent and food eat most of this up.

20. 15 Apr 2009 16:57


Just want to add that the freezer bags I use are the gallon size ones.