Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - MugDots IX: New Challenge - FOOD! (yes, read on)

21. 6 Apr 2009 07:38


.. with some encouragement from froufrou (albeit totally unwitting !), I offer another, er, not very surrealistic and definitely unrealistic, contribution..

(you're starting to make me talk funny, Qsilv !)

22. 6 Apr 2009 07:53


Cereal With Fruit

23. 6 Apr 2009 11:22


The Works For Breakfast

24. 7 Apr 2009 15:15


25. 7 Apr 2009 15:16


does a picture of wearing food count?

26. 7 Apr 2009 15:32

Qsilv (that's a 'yes'!)

27. 7 Apr 2009 23:08


28. 8 Apr 2009 07:27


29. 8 Apr 2009 10:18


(Don't panic... my own are DQ'd... I just can't resist adding one or two)

30. 10 Apr 2009 00:03


Aebleskiver - Pancake Balls

Ok, these are officially Danish, but mostly those are solid. I'm Swedish and we make 'em hollow!

1 C milk (or buttermilk)
1 C flour
1/4 C melted butter (or oil)
1/4 C sugar
1 tsp baking powder
(1 tsp soda if using buttermilk)
1 tsp cardamon (optional vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon)
1/2 tsp salt

Fun to eat, to make, and to watch being made!

Measurements are approximate.
You'll have to experiment to get it right for you,
but the batter should be similar to waffle batter, not quite as thick as a milkshake.

Beginners' Tips--

1. - Separating the eggs and beating the whites til stiff makes a tenderer batter
but just mixing the whole mess together and leaving the flour slightly lumpy works well too.
Beating flour so strongly that the gluten is activated makes it rubbery,
which may help when you're first learning to turn these,
but with practice you'll learn to make them lighter and more tender without the little hoods collapsing.

2. - Heat the pan 'til a sprinkle of water jumps when it hits.

3. - Don't try to cook in the center well 'til you're very practiced.
Keep it full of oil and spoon preheated oil from there to each of the outer wells as needed.
By the time you've turned 6, the 1st one will be ready to turn again.

4. - Fill wells only about 3/4 full or the batter will swell and spill all over.

5. - Use a fine knitting needle or bamboo BBQ skewer to turn the skiver about 1/4 turn each time.
The first turn should pull up a little "hood" like on a baby buggy.
The final turn should be made from the outside, letting the last of the batter drain out, and closing the hole.

I generally make this recipe quadrupled (4 C each of milk and flour, etc)
and it takes me a little over an hour to make up about 60 skiver.

Stack them in a pyramid (if you can stay ahead of grabbing hands)
Tear each one apart with your fingers
Fill with jam, powdered sugar, bits of fruit...
Try them savory instead of sweet -- cheese, bits of leftover meat, veggies, cream sauce...

These freeze well, and you can reheat them for half a minute each in the microwave,
tho they'll never be as tender as when they were fresh from the pan.

The flavor of cardomom is unusual in America, but it's what you taste in plain cake doughnutes.

Good luck! ;>

31. 10 Apr 2009 00:04


YIKES.... EGGS... you need eggs! I use at least 2, up to 4 (depending on size) per cup of milk and cup of flour.

32. 10 Apr 2009 00:06


(........and I soooo want a Preview of our messages BEFORE we post 'em...... lol )

33. 10 Apr 2009 00:51


This sounds delicious. I've saved it to store in the recipe book ... thanks.

34. 10 Apr 2009 02:17


A Seder Plate

35. 10 Apr 2009 21:05


and a Pysanka egg
(um, admittedly this is cheating for food, because if I'm going to enough work to batik this kind of design, I'm definitely going to blow out the contents first!)

36. 11 Apr 2009 00:41


I thought I can include my tooth since it's our tool when handling food; also it's made of candy. Am I cheating?

37. 11 Apr 2009 21:50


....ooookayyy! MugDots IX had 25 entries, including 4 of mine (utterly disqualified),
4 that were done earlier (tho' those are fascinating --thank you sooo much for including them!), and
2 that SOMEone (gasp) deleted before the end!

(And of COURSE it was one of those that I'd been keeping open in a browser tab for the whole week...
but had NOT made a screen capture of before I clicked it for an update this evening!
...and no, I know she won't re-do it just because I'm whimpering... )
Mine not to reason why... mine just to... er... um.. make a decision.

...Honorable mention goes to-- 1020 --for making me laugh out loud,
......................AND to-- midnightpoet --for making me groan and giggle!

...A runner-up tea-cup goes to-- kmkagle --for the most entries
......................(and a pie slice that had me drooling and a fork I wish I'd drawn!)

...The MugDots IX Trophy goes to-- gwinnyb --for the goofiest play on a real food and SUCH a good drawing!

Thanks folks! You're sweethearts, all of you!


38. 12 Apr 2009 00:43


39. 12 Apr 2009 03:11


Well done, gwinnyb. This is a one-off cup so I guess you get to keep it.

40. 12 Apr 2009 11:35


I am so speachless and overwhelmed... I' d like to thank qsilve, all of the chickens who contributed, all of the other art inspiring contributers, and of course my mother.. my challenge is (now let me think). OK, OK.. hoping it has not been used before and motivated by dragon to think along ancient lines.. ancient art themes.. egyptian, minoan, greek, roman, african and early american such as incan, or american indian or whatever else strikes your fancy but not after lets say 1800. and preferably even earlier. offerings will be humbly accepted until april 19th because I am leaving on vacation on the 20th. I will post a new thread with this challenge