Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Think think what it would be like!!!!

1. 29 Mar 2009 22:56


I've been thinking of this for awhile. I imagine all the mediums on one page where you can use the flower medium for example to do an eye and the animal medium to do a nose and another medium to do something else. Can you imagine the possibilities? It probably would be too complex to bring about though.

2. 30 Mar 2009 06:13


They could have all the separate medium on their page and just add one more page and have this one called something like, Mixed, and have all mediums to choose from on that page. This would be for those that are more advanced, been on TD awhile, and ready to move up or for the daring. We could still have top five but we would have one more group to add to it it being the Mixed group.

3. 30 Mar 2009 08:58


I think it would be great. the possibilities would be endless...BUT I also think it would eliminate the challenge, the Think part of thinkdraw.

4. 30 Mar 2009 09:54


That would be really cool, I've often wished I could use different mediums together.

5. 30 Mar 2009 11:20


I don't think it would take the think out of TD at all, we would still have to piece the pieces together and we wouldn't have to do away with the separate mediums as all. It would also take a lot of thinking to pull many mediums into one picture.

6. 30 Mar 2009 11:21


That should read, separate mediums (at) all.

7. 30 Mar 2009 15:39


Oh how often I've thought I'd love to be able to combine elements from the different palettes!

If this were a game where you amass points, I'd pay quite a few to "buy" that privilege....
