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Forums - Community - Palette Challenge

1. 2 Oct 2013 10:58


Hi, I'm new here. This is my first post on the forum. You have given me a very warm welcome. It is great to have such an accepting group.

I haven't had a chance to read everything here, but I have been doing a personal challenge that I thought others might want to try.

I'm trying to show the objects from each palette without using that object. What I mean is that for the Candy Palette if I make licorice, I can't use licorice to draw licorice. I have to use gum balls or chocolate or something else to show licorice. Same thing is true for all of the other palettes. I'm still trying to figure out what to do about Gothic. Do I show arches without using arches? Hmmm. I'm still working on it.

Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble here.

2. 2 Oct 2013 23:50


Hi bugoy, this idea is so clever and really funny. I'll try something.

I was around something similar some time ago, looking for "big pieces"... doing some bit of a specific palette using another one. here it is!

Anyway your challenge is itriguing and very well conceived!

3. 3 Oct 2013 09:30



I'm kinda stuck on the faces ones. I want to make a face, but don't want to use and eye to make an eye or a nose to make a nose and so forth. It make it really tough.

I wasn't necessarily trying to make "big pieces" it just turned out that way because I couldn't make it look like candy using chocolate unless I went big. Using gumballs to make M&Ms seemed like cheating. So I used stuff that isn't similar.

I got the idea from Roy Lichtenstein. He said that everyone tries to mask their brushstrokes and make them into something else. So he decided to make a painting of a brushstroke. He said, ""Visible Brushstrokes in a painting convey a sense of grand gesture. But, in my hands, the brushstroke becomes a depiction of grand gesture".

So I decided to not hide the candy in the candy palette and instead highlight it.

4. 4 Oct 2013 13:12


I'm new to this so I hope that this works to get the pictures into this thread. These are the ones I know about that fit this challenge. If there are others please add them.

5. 4 Oct 2013 18:37


You're doing very well; I'm impressed! I can't wait to see what you produce with the animals theme!!

6. 5 Oct 2013 08:48


Another one to add from clorophillia.

7. 5 Oct 2013 10:34


Adding another one of mine to the list.

8. 5 Oct 2013 18:25


I only have one palette left - Gothic. I'm still not sure what I'm going to make for that one. But here is the one for the Faces palette.

9. 11 Oct 2013 12:41


I finally finished with all 10 palettes! Gothic was the toughest for me to figure out. Since it is only odd shapes and arches I decided to make exactly that using the other odd shapes in that palette.
Here is my 10th challenge piece:

10. 12 Oct 2013 05:03


I'm really not sure if I understood this challenge, so apologies if I've totally missed the point !

.. however, the idea of 'arches in Gothic' just grabbed my interest, so here is a doodle for you

11. 12 Oct 2013 07:23


I probably didn't explain it very well. Either that or it is too complicated of a challenge.

Anyway, yes, the idea is to make flowers in the flower palette, candy in candy, animals in animals and so forth. But instead of doing the obvious and taking the parts made for those items, you have to use the other items. So making the Gothic arches works as long as you don't use arches to make the arches.

For example, if you want to make a cat in animals, you can't use any cat parts. You have to make the cat with cow, chicken, dog and/or lizard parts. Anything can be used except for the item you are making.

By the way, I don't mind "Buggy", but the name "Bugoy" means naughty or mischievous (Cebuano). It is like calling myself "Scoundrel" or "Bad One" instead of Bugoy 1.

12. 12 Oct 2013 09:02


Marg, just to clarify, I think your pic fits the challenge. You made arches without using arches. The only arches in the drawing are for shading and not for arches. I'd say that works.

All it takes is to make the stuff in the palette without using the obvious. You did that.