Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge CXV (115): Holliwood!

1. 11 Sep 2013 03:06


Well, you have a lot to draw
And it could be useful for the showcase too, as there are a lot of movies at or about New York!

The challenge will end on 29th sept and I'll pass the baton on 30th.

2. 23 Sep 2013 11:54


there is a challenge here. Please yoin!

giving a start...

3. 6 Oct 2013 15:51


Should Cinderella be considered a Hollywood star?

Anyway, I can't understand why just no one joined this challenge. I don't know what to do - close this challenge without winners, may be? and open another one hoping a better luck?

To pass the baton to a TDer - anyone?

the challenge should be closed a week ago, I could try to give it another change for a week or so, and then I'll close it.

4. 6 Oct 2013 17:34


I'll join in. Just give me a day or two.

5. 6 Oct 2013 19:27


Okay, maybe not a couple days. Here it is:

6. 7 Oct 2013 05:57


great contribution!
c'mon - what's your favourite movie?
draw it!

7. 24 Oct 2013 13:07


OK I have to give a stop to thisw challenge. FOr some reason, it passed unobserved...

the winner is obvious, but even if he was one of many, I would have preferred his beautiful Hitchkock!

so I pass the baton to Bugoy!
I think that the "overlapping" challenge could be perfect for the nomination to Challenge CXVI (116)!

8. 24 Oct 2013 18:12


Thank you so much. You are very kind.

I will take the baton and pass it along when the no overlap challenge has ended.

Again, thanks!