Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge CXVI: Dealing with the Dickens --Artistically!

1. 11 Mar 2013 01:15


Ok, as usual, I've chosen a subject that is just an experiment *I* happen to be curious about right now. And I hope it will interest enough of the rest of you that lots of you will come play! Please? ;>

I was going to be all careful and look up all the previous challenges first, but... pfft! ...fate took a hand here.

I woke up to a radio interview with a musician. They were playing a catchy little rhythm from a piece she'd created and she said it was from the one thing she really disliked... her alarm clock! "...if I write a song using that sound, then I might be able to love it."

So that's the challenge--
Pick something you deeply dislike, something that just pushes your buttons, brings out the demon in you --and do the most beautiful (or comical, or fascinating!) ThinkDraw drawing you can with it!

And folks? You've always brought me the deepest joy around here... THANKS for playing!


Let's give it 2 weeks, end of the month, Sunday March 31.
Original rules apply: this is not a "contest" to "win"; it's a challenge to play with. So I get to pass the baton on pure whim!


2. 11 Mar 2013 07:02


I absolutely LOVE this idea. If you have ever seen the MaryTylerMoore show where Rhoda (Valerie Harper) makes a complete mess in Mary's tiny kitchen, you will understand. I just learned that Valerie Harper has only a few months left to live, and the picture, I hope to make good enough to dedicate to her.

3. 12 Mar 2013 06:32


AHA! I knew you would come out with something of absolutely brilliant... (giggling) love this idea, it's tickling me... it's a ***Challenge*** in many ways!

And as I just started a coaching program about "no more chuntering", well this is perfect!

4. 13 Mar 2013 19:04


ahhh Clo, "chuntering"... grumbling?! nodnodnod.... counterproductive stuff but sooo easy to fall into the habit of doing. A tiny bit can be comical, tho.... I'm curious to see what you produce on THAT one!

And BofQ... I haven't seen those shows but "kitchen mess" lights up my mind!

I suppose in all fairness I'd better do a thing or two to tuck in here myself...


5. 17 Mar 2013 16:04


ok, here's one from me that fits both the current showcase of Mythical Creatures AND the idea of dealing artistically with something difficult in life--

Justitia - blindfolded

In my case, I absolutely hate surprises... yes even good ones. I just have a "thing" about being led blindfolded. Call it a control issue if you like, or trust... I'm willing to give it up, but only with certain people and only rarely and ONLY by agreement.

Sooo, I went looking for something GOOD that comes that way... lo and behold --Justice... Themis... Isis... Maat! I love this... the concept of Justice being blindfolded to surface differences... having to weigh the true depth of the matter on merit.

As an extra, I learned that altho' those goddesses (intriguingly all female personifications!) did have a set of scale for weighing Truth and Fairness all the way back in history, they didn't show a blindfold 'til the early 1500's.... perhaps we didn't need it 'til then?


6. 19 Mar 2013 11:08


I have been trying so HARD to make a messy kitchen counter, and it is SO difficult. I just want you to know that I'm determined, but it might take some more time!

7. 19 Mar 2013 14:20


LOL --only you (and maybe InkedGemini) would have a problem making a mess!
(Of course, making that mess become "artistic" might take a while...)
*twinkly grin*

8. 19 Mar 2013 15:42


Ahhh... I to can't sto to think about mess in my kitchen... it seems to be an universal issue!! And me too find so hard to fraw. In fact, near all my issues are hard to draw: they are all complicated and/or too much abstract. I Keep thinking!

9. 19 Mar 2013 16:17


Oh yes, this is interesting. Qsilv, you're so clever...I can't wait to see what gets generated from this challenge!

10. 19 Mar 2013 17:33


in fact, I realized my last pic fits well in this challenge too, as it represents my Big Issue: dealing with my husband...

11. 20 Mar 2013 03:54


Clo just gave me the best biggest issue used to be my husband and I will draw a picture as to how I dealt with that! I just can't do the kitchen pic!

12. 20 Mar 2013 04:38


this mess was much easier to deal with than the kitchen!!!

13. 20 Mar 2013 18:10


Whoa---- oh ladies! These are hysterical! Thank you... thank you... lol

14. 22 Mar 2013 15:16


a quick one...

the 7:00 PM nightmare = My husband checking the socks!

15. 22 Mar 2013 16:34


YES, Clo! Quick ones are excellent in this... almost like Fun Tuesdays!

16. 28 Mar 2013 22:01

Time Management

17. 10 Apr 2013 13:16


well pointed Pollyesther... time management is surely a BIG issue!

I have to ask a thing Q - although you explained the challenge quite well, as I'm not motherlanguage English, what means Dickens? I only knew the Dickens who wrote Oliver Twist...

18. 11 Apr 2013 19:20


Hi Clo --and all!

I do regret being absent so long... sometimes, you know, you just HAVE to pretend to be all grown up and responsible and (sadly) admit that TD is "just play". Pfffft!

Luckily you folks are good-natured and I see you've kept on playing --I'm delighted!

Dickens is a non-swearing way of saying "Devil". It's so mild that we often call our children that, when they're causing mischief, like "You little dickens!" So I chose it to represent life's annoyances, more than serious tragedies.

Hey -- tomorrow's Friday (again!) maybe I'll figure out a way to pass a baton... ;>

19. 15 May 2013 15:06


Hi Q!
would you think you can give a go again to this challenge? Or close it in some way?

20. 17 May 2013 22:25


mm hm.... if ever there was a Showcase I shouldn't have missed, "Apologies" was it! I definitely offer you guys mine --you're the best hearted folks!

-- and I extend the baton to........ Polly!

(How could I not? Time Management???
....laughter roiling up... with the undercurrent of a moannnnnn....)