Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - FUN TUESDAY ~Have your say

41. 14 Nov 2012 07:42


Well!!!! Wasn't THAT fun? For next week, I hope we can get a topic that garners a bit more interest. Thanks to the people who participated. If you think of a good fun topic, please add it to the thread. Then, if you aren't here to start it, somebody else can.

42. 18 Nov 2012 02:08


I have some ideas (they aren't very good)
favourite foods? worst thing you ever ate? Lol

43. 18 Nov 2012 10:14


that happens when we are in search of new ideas before lunch :-DD

I suggest "funny typos". match and draw a couple of terms that differ just for a letter (substituted or missed). i.e.: funny/funky, space/spice, bean/beam/beat/bear, churl/curl, etc etc

44. 19 Nov 2012 10:55


I like clorophilla's idea. Sounds fun!!!

45. 20 Nov 2012 04:30


welll, wat's the topic then? typo, or whirwind??

46. 20 Nov 2012 05:48


Why don't you go ahead with typo, Clo? I don't know how to start ideas this a.m. *j*

47. 20 Nov 2012 10:22


I went on with whyrl things, I'll try to put some example of my Typo idea for next twesday!

48. 20 Nov 2012 10:30


I posted a typo picture 'cos I thought it was the theme. Now I'll post a whirl pic!

49. 20 Nov 2012 19:26


Is FUN TUESDAY fun or is it funny? Tuesday for me is still Monday for you, and Tuesday for you is already Wednesday for me. I read the forum, was not sure exactly what to do so I went up in a whirlwind not realizing I took everybody else with me. SORRY Clo and SORRY Lipstick and SORRY Lizzy. Please let this be a BIG FUNKY day!!

50. 20 Nov 2012 20:57


but lolla and lizzi and clo and all else..dont forget that I sure added to the confusion when using the word tuesday in one title and then forgetting to give on the idea I might come up with, though I absolutely least didnot let it be known here.well lolla both your whirlwinds were whirling.aint that what we want to do with our work.let it be.and it was.but I have never till now when you remind me let it come to my mind that yes our times shift..we can not have the exact same tuesday.time wont let us.nore distance.but then we do have so much we can if we all keep recalling that our names of the weeks days are blended as if in a washmachine.they come bumping into oneanother so maybe that bumping could be one sugestion to either fun (t)day and-or to some showcase in the future.anyhow as it it happens so often thats its kind of fun in itself, a whirlwind made of longing to lift up any sadness in our minds..had a knotpoint.of confusion, anyhow that meant to become a sharing one.and maybe give room for new the bad was good,
have your say
it says here above these lines.its rachel speaking..
and now I had mine, my first in you and not to rachel.
glad I too did.
have a good day what ever name yours have.smiles from linka

51. 21 Nov 2012 07:09


LOL, Linka!!!! Nobody could say it better. FT is a 'washing machine' - first one way and then another. Are we ever going to find a way that puts all of us on the same page? Whoever said 'communication is all' said a mouthful! So everybody stop apologizing, don't feel bad...we are supposed to be having FUN.
If you decide to start FT, put your topic on or under your picture so we know right from the start what it is.

52. 25 Nov 2012 16:49


Here it is Sunday evening and I have no idea where the time went. I hope Clo is getting ready to start FT with her 'typo' should be fun.

53. 26 Nov 2012 06:10


just to be sure, we are doing typo right?

54. 26 Nov 2012 12:58


FT topic will be up to who starts it. I hope Clo has one ready for us in the morning.

55. 26 Nov 2012 13:00


Of course, if she doesn't, go ahead and start, after ensuring that there is not one started by someone else.

56. 27 Nov 2012 11:45


Here we go again! Same old story. Linmar bravely started a topic. It's "Lost Treasures".
Recovering something you lost (or misplaced).Before you start a topic, look all the way back til you come to yesterday's pics, to see if somebody else has started FT.

57. 27 Nov 2012 13:00


thanks for your comments Lizzi..i'm sure neither you nor myself intended to derail FT. my 2 cents on what happened to FT: fun time is/was fun because it is/was spontaneous, quick designs..with planned FT it is like a showcase or drawing challenge. it seems a case where the kiss principle may apply (keep it simple..), one place to look, the gallery, first design(s) posted set the topic for the day, then whomever is drawing at the time gets it going, others join in as it goes along. and no one is under pressure to get it started for the day. TD is a great community. the spirit of the designs and sharing of comments and friendships is unique and wonderful. no offense intended, a good day to all

58. 27 Nov 2012 21:11


I agree with Linmar. It's more fun and the surprise "topic" call for a spontaneous reaction. Let it have it's own ripple effect. I cannot draw but like to follow FT - good laughs in there - from Lizzi of cause!!

59. 28 Nov 2012 04:56


I started this thread to encourage people to participate in FT. I am not trying to change it. It's still spontaneous. And it still has the same problem, the one I mentioned in post #s 1, 3, 55 and 56. Before you post your picture, LOOK all the way back to last night's last picture. The list is there to offer ideas, not to dictate.

60. 3 Dec 2012 08:54


to stop confusion tomorrow does anyone think it would be a good idea to post the first pic in this thread, so we can go to the forum to see what the chosen topic is?