Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - kid land(s)

1. 29 Oct 2010 09:58


it has a LONG history with me and my sisters. so okay we have kid land, for kids and then we have some thing for more kids and then we have my wold. i have opened a portal to connet the three planets with think draw. older people can come IF and only if they have the heart of a kid
that is a pic of one the times i came to kid lane to vist

2. 29 Oct 2010 10:41


it may have started when i has three, (thats when we moved to indanna) but i know it was there. when i was 7 we moved here in kentucky, we lived in grammy's house. there was a triangle of three pine trees. that was our fort. we broded one side, it was realy hard to get in one side, we had a broken beach chair, there was the pato that had the broken swinging chair, and about one acer for us to play in. we had rosie our dog and their bunnies (one has died now) we got them in indanna then we got george mom's cat. in 3rd grade i got a cabbge i named her isabelle one time when we come to help grammy move (this is after we moved to where i am now) i found out she was died and dug her a hole in the three trees. i have kid land and i will keep the memerys for my kids.

3. 29 Oct 2010 11:03

there that is the tirangle of pine trees as you maybe (and i doute) find in now. (or was back a go)

4. 31 Oct 2010 16:21


come on some body!

5. 10 Nov 2010 05:34

cathyallheart ureId=124473

6. 11 Nov 2010 03:02


good idea. I like it . can I join ?

7. 17 Nov 2010 03:37


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please do!!

8. 26 Nov 2010 21:04


I'm sorry but I don't understand completely. Maybe it's because me brain thinks a lot different than most peoples. Trust me it does.