Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Steal the cookie!

21. 3 Feb 2010 13:51



22. 3 Feb 2010 13:55


Meanwhile Belladonnis let matthew and cookie slip by understandably!!!!!!

23. 3 Feb 2010 14:26


Those are chocolate chips... "trust me"...

24. 3 Feb 2010 14:35


You put the cookie in a ziplock bag before so your telling me those are chocolate chips in your hair!

Sorry folks couldnt resist!

25. 3 Feb 2010 14:46


That is a really crappy thing to say...

26. 3 Feb 2010 15:00


I'm glad my pants legs are rolled up cause the chocolate chips are getting deep!:D

27. 3 Feb 2010 16:20


At this point, the coveted cookie is not only radioactive (due to where the commandoes stored it underground previously), but also considered contaminated (due to matthew's er, influence). Sheftali sics the commandoes on matthew, ties him up with his glowing thong, and makes off with the cookie. The coveted morsel is now in a secure lab in New Mexico, being decontaminated and dematthewed.

28. 3 Feb 2010 16:33


Boot up lab computer ... done. Run spyware ... done. Delete cookies ... THWACK! Don't you DARE delete the ginger biscuits.

29. 3 Feb 2010 16:50


I must say, I have never been tied up with a glowing thong before but I am intrigued you dirty little lass...

30. 3 Feb 2010 17:58


In the process of decontaminating and dematthewing the cookie, Sheftali has imbued it with an anti-matthew microbial force field. Matthew will now never be able to capture or torture the cookie as long as he is tied up with his glowing thong. Oh, and only Dr Bear has the secret to untying the glowing thong. And Matthew, don't whine to Auntie B about it, either!

31. 3 Feb 2010 18:07


Well enough of that particular cookie, let's call it a total loss.

Auntie B has a brand new cookie and I intend to take it for a stroll along the Champs-Elysees' where it will be enjoyed with a delightful cup of coffee at some little sidewalk cafe'.

32. 3 Feb 2010 18:29


33. 3 Feb 2010 18:35


Unbeknown to Auntie B, Hazer, dressed in disguise as Auntie B's long lost younger sister, has tracked Auntie B to the little sidewalk cafe. Her intention was to trick Auntie B into revealing Balder's whereabouts so Hazer could secretly invade Balder's garden. Auntie B was so overcome with emotion at seeing her long lost sister, that she forgot all about her cookie. Not only did Hazer find out the location of Balder's garden but slipped the tasty cookie into her purse while Auntie B was rummaging through her purse, looking for her little album of family pictures to show Hazer. But when she looked up Hazer was nowhere to be seen...

34. 3 Feb 2010 18:39


Hazer's disguise:

35. 3 Feb 2010 18:56


very clever

36. 3 Feb 2010 20:11


Goldie queitly was eavesdropping when that happened, so she she 'accidentely' bumped Hazer, makeing her drop her purse. Goldie 'fell' on it and stole the cookie and gave the purse back,decookienated, to Hazer.

37. 4 Feb 2010 05:33


Broken biscuit! Ah well ... easier to share around when I get my hands on it / them

38. 4 Feb 2010 09:36


ha ha, love the word 'decookienated'. I think Goldie should get extra points for that!

39. 4 Feb 2010 10:35


Belladonnis is not fooled by Goldie's clever unassuming disquise. Bella saw Goldie place the cookie in the basket of her bike and ride off with her handle bar streamers flying in the wind! Bella knows she will have to be patient because Goldie is not one to stop an talk to strangers. But wait......whats Ice Cream truck......oh what luck! Bella quietly slipps up to Goldies bike while Goldie is buying a fudgesicle and takes the cookie and runs! When Bella looks back she sees Goldie staring in wonder with chocolate all over her mouth.

40. 4 Feb 2010 12:04


While Bella was looking back Nylecoj swipes the cookie crumbs and sneaks back to her house to eat it, but finding that it has coconut in it which Nyle detests, she decides to put the cookie on E-bay.