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141. 22 Dec 2009 09:38


Hi taters. Oops - just posted this (below) in the wrong place cause you suggested to meet you here.

Sorry about your friend. You say she's getting worse and the doctor says three weeks. What does this mean ... that she is NOT getting better?

142. 22 Dec 2009 09:51


And great you got to have your party before Christmas. What did you do at your party? What presents did you get? What kind of cake? Sounds like it was a fun time.

143. 22 Dec 2009 10:38


No, like the doctor is giving Allie three weeks to live. 2 and a half months ago, they gave her 3 months to live, but they just told me.

My party was really cool, we laid out this really big paper and outlined each other. Then we each took one of the bodies and colored them in. I made the one i got into an alien.

It was really fun n stuff, we had STEAK N CAKE, it was the "theme" of the party!

144. 22 Dec 2009 11:45


So sorry to hear about your friend. The nice part of this situation is that your friend has you, and you still have her ... and it sounds like both of you have a lot of great friends and also helpful adults. That is a blessing for sure. I'm sure everyone on TD is praying for all of you.

Your party sounds really fun and love the theme! Are you going to be 13? I forget. (heheh - the old and "full" brain.)

Also - have thought of what to draw you for your Christmas/Birthday present. Am sure I'll come up with something.

145. 22 Dec 2009 12:29


That's what you do for Christmas on Think Draw? You make pictures as presents? Cool, cool.

146. 22 Dec 2009 15:01


I am gonna be 13, yup yup yups!

147. 22 Dec 2009 15:56


So tater, are you or your friends into the boyfriend thing? Reason I ask is cause I'm nosy (tee hee) but seriously, our grandson had a girlfriend when he was 12. He told my huband and me about his girlfriend. I said she sounded like a nice girl and Jake said, "Yeah, but it's almost over." My husband and I were like, "What?" Jake said, "The thing is, I'm ONLY twelve. I think two weeks going together is long enough for someone my age. Don't you?"

We just sad there blinking. Think that was when spouse wanted Jake to help with something about the fuse box (seriously, my husband does "guy things" when Jake is over) so that was the end of the conversation. But, I kept thinking about Jake's girlfriend. Maybe SHE wouldn't think two weeks was long enough. What do you think?

Oh, I did ask Jake how he was going to break up with the girl and he said one of his friends would tell her it was over. I found that shocking. When I was in grade school we sort of had boys we liked but we ended things ourselves. What's it like where you go to school?

Oh, here's a funny thing. When Jake was in sixth grade he said "packs of girls coming down the hall" terrified him. I said I didn't know what he meant and he said, "How would you feel if you're twelve and a great big mob of girls is walking right at you?"

Then I remembered my Dad telling me when I went to my first dance that big groups of girls scared guys. Back in those days, girls did NOT ask guys to dance - not ever. So Dad said if I wanted to get asked to dance I had to get away from the other girls. He was right - I got asked to dance way more than the other girls. Of course, that was way back in the old days. : )

148. 22 Dec 2009 16:01


I remember when my sister was about 10 she had a boyfriend for a short time. When we asked her how she broke up with him she said she told him "It was nice, it was fun, but it's over."
Gave us a chuckle but I'm sure the boyfriend wasn't as amused by it.

149. 22 Dec 2009 19:04


Yeah, kids at our school have boyfriends. At our school we are all pretty private people. Nobody DOES anything (if you know what i mean) or anything like that. At our school we actually get to know people, our town is pretty small, so kids can date and stuff, but if they go to a restaurant or something, parents are most likely to know someone there.

Kids my age say they are "going out" but that is an exaggeration. They consider themselves boyfriend and girlfriend but never go out. Kids just sit on facebook and talk to their lover, and texting.

I admit, when i was in 2nd grade, i had a crush on a boy. He had a crush on me. We became boyfriend- girlfriend couple. He gave me a ring from one of those little quarter machines. It was pretty cute thing we had going. When in class we didn't sit by eachother (seats assigned) so we hung out at recess. Once we found a place and he asked me to kiss him. I smacked him in the face and ran. I felt bad and so did he. We "got back together." I didn't really like him i just wanted to have a boyfriend for the heck of it. I decided to break up on the last day of school... he wasn't there. He sent me an e-mail. It said we were done and he lived in Canada now... i didn't really care!

Nowadays people at our school really think about it. We have a health class at school talking about healthy relationships. People at our school go out with their best friend.

I do have a boyfriend. He is really funny, and all of our friends get along. We all hang out in groups and it's like dating to us. He is in advanced classes with me, and all of my classes for that matter! We have known eachother for 6 years and started dating about 2 months ago. Nothing at our school gets too serious.

Because of our healthy relationships class, people make good choices. If someone wants to break up, both the people are feeling it.

I guess that 12 is a good age to date. It makes kids feel older and stuff. Like i said, me and my BF have known eachother a long time, and have been best friends before this.

If he breaks up, he would do it to my face, and if he did, i am sure i would probably agree.

150. 23 Dec 2009 04:22


I don't think dating is appropriate for someone my age, we just got visited by a docter and she said so.

God bless.

151. 23 Dec 2009 08:54


When I was in Gr.2 I had 2 boyfriends (at the same time too, shame on me). Basically how we became boyfriend/girlfriend was whe the boys would come around teasing me I would say 'Go away or I'll kiss you!' most of them would run away (you know how boys in Gr.2 are about getting kissed - ewwww) but these 2 boys didn't run away so I had to kiss them. I can't really remember how it ended with them.

152. 23 Dec 2009 09:54


Ok, Maddyjean08, the doctor doesn't know, they don't know you. They don't know your personality, your well being, and how you feel about dating.

153. 31 Dec 2009 13:34


Ok, i didn't finish what i meant to say the last time... let me continue.

Kids should be able to decide when they are ready to date for themselves. My parents have let me date since 5th grade. I didn't until just this year, i wasn't ready back then.

I think that when your ready to date, emotionally ready, spiritually ready, mentally ready, etc. then you are.
If a kid dates for two weeks then brakes up, because he thinks that's too long already, he shouldn't of started dating at all.

At our school, we take it really seriously. Like i said, we have healthy relationships classes about once a month. They are mandatory.

Like i said, you can't have people tell you when your ready to date. You have to be ready on your own terms.

154. 2 Jan 2010 04:59


Good morning Tater, saw your comment in the Feedback section, but I'm writing here cause maybe this is a welcome back to you? : ) From what I know, I am pretty sure that person is gone for good.

Anyway, it sounds like you are finding some healing. I remember one time I went to a therapist and said, "I don't understand why I'm having such a hard time." She said, "You had a bad thing happen and before you had time to heal from that, the 2nd bad thing happened and before you'd had time to heal from both those things ... the 3rd thing happened. It makes sense to me that you're having a hard time." One other thing she said is kind of what matthew said, what you said, that we feel and grieve in our own ways. She helped me learn to grieve and heal in the way *I* needed to do it. That was great. Well, no, it was kind of tough, but eventually it was great. : )

Anyway, today I turn 56 and the grandkids were here yesterday picking on me (in a fun way) about how old I am. The 12 year old has her own email now and is teaching me texting abbreviations since I don't know many. I told her about your school and the healthy relationship class, her school has something like that too. THAT is so wonderful! There was nothing like that when I went to school and well, after your God and spiritual beliefs, relationships seem to be about the most important thing! I'm happy you have so many good friends around you lately!

Gotta go do yoga now and a few other things before my bff takes me out to brunch. Later my husband is giving me a LONG foot massage and making my favorite dinner. Yep, it's a nice day! And ... welcome back! : )

155. 2 Jan 2010 05:01


Happy Birthday marius

156. 2 Jan 2010 05:19


Yes, happy birthday, Marius, and like you, I hope Tater decides to stay on TD.

157. 5 Jan 2010 13:56


Well tater, I want to let that other thread die, so not writing in it anymore. It seems you feel hurt by what others said. Sorry about that. Wish I had something more to say than sorry, but it's all I have. : )

158. 8 Jan 2010 13:38


I am gonna stay. Just not as much.

Will check in with you guys and see how things are going. I will start a new forum, and when you find it, check it out.

159. 8 Jan 2010 13:40


Tater--glad to hear from you, and that you'll be checking in from time to time.

160. 29 Jan 2010 08:57



Does anyone remember this forum...!
