Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Copy Cat (Please read)

1. 5 Oct 2012 21:19


louwho8 recently copied my picture day and night



Is it wrong that I feel extremely offended that I didn't get any credit and his pic has a vote when mine doesn't yet?

2. 5 Oct 2012 21:20



3. 6 Oct 2012 08:33


Brigsis, try to let it go. I had a copycat follow me a few years back. Turned out it was a young child, so I decided to just forget about it. Anyone can see by the date that you did yours first, so no worries. Keep up your good work!

4. 6 Oct 2012 09:09


Well said LadyO. I think most of us have had it happen. And Brigsis, you know what "they" say. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

5. 6 Oct 2012 15:05


well, I follow YOU and surely not that louwho8 who, without this topic, I never would notice: her pics are so poor...

don't mind, your pics are great and this is stryking!

6. 6 Oct 2012 15:43


Thanks everyone, I kind of freaked because in the past I've had people copy me and take all the credit making people call me a liar. It was horrible. I know this isn't like that, its just a sort of sensitive topic for me, and I really don't like people who imitate me.

7. 7 Oct 2012 00:34


dear Bridgis, I can well understand you.
It happened to me (and my co-author) a thief copied... a book! She published our umpublished work as hers. So we wasn't allowed to publish our own work and had to re-write the whole. After we published our new work, the thief filed a law suit against us, so we had to pay lawyers to defend ourselves. The suit is still pending and I have to pay money every other year, as in Italy suites are very expensive and long (a matter of years, before I'll see my money back and my credits back).

this pic came from it:

8. 7 Oct 2012 00:37


well, if fact, the pic was from another bad episode, but it fits well for this one too.

We live in very rough times, filled of arrogant people, but we have to resist and stand against them with our integrity!

9. 7 Oct 2012 00:40


ops - brigsis I mistoke your name

you have nothing to do with bridges, I guess

10. 7 Oct 2012 17:15


Thanks for the support clo, I hope you can get your words back, it sounds like a difficult situation, good luck.

P.S It's ok people always spell my name wrong in real life too some I'm used to it.

11. 8 Oct 2012 07:33


could be an interesting debate brigsis,for example,when does a copy become a work of art in it s own right?Andy worhol for instance would produce variations on other peoples work but would nt mind taking the credit,as many artists do and forever will.From my own point of view,the idea of steadfastly reproducing anothers work is not only mindblowingly boring( knowing the best credit you will have is that it was well copied) but darnright dishonest and shows genuine lack of talent.So im with you on this one brigsis.

12. 8 Oct 2012 10:05



13. 8 Oct 2012 11:15


I believe that louwho8 is a very young girl. She admires your work so much that she has tried to learn form you. (She made an excellent copy!) You are a role model. She is your fan! I have a few fans on TD and it has never hurt my feelings because, as Clo says, 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'. They are young and mean no harm.
You have created many pictures that are far beyond the ability of children, so they will never be confused with the children's art.

14. 8 Oct 2012 12:56


Just so you know Lizzi I am only 13.

15. 8 Oct 2012 14:59


Lizzi was well aware that Brigsis is "only thirteen". Lizzi is astonished that Brigsis would describe herself that way.
Your art, Brigsis, shows you to be a much older and more sophisticated person than the little girl who copied your picture.
Remember when you were so young that you regarded a 13-yr-old as a powerful goddess? How old was that?

16. 9 Oct 2012 09:17


Thanks Lizzi.

17. 9 Oct 2012 09:50


When I see these, I see a compliment to the original ~ makes me smile twice. No need for upset, there's no bad intent in it. It happens all the time, esp with new TD users. And no need to insult the skill of the copy-cat... not exactly easy to copy someone's pic, is it?

18. 29 Oct 2012 08:29


I don't think we mind being copied so much as the lack of credit given, Now that I'm back, several of mine are being copied again. But as some of us have pointed out, they appear to be young contributors.

Brigsis, it is irritating when those works get the comments, and you want to say, "hey, it's a copy!" Your work is good, don't let this discourage you!