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Matthew I received a response.

Thanks for your message.

We appreciate your feedback, but the picture you mention was reported by users as unsuitable and hidden in the main gallery due to its graphic
nature. Please note that it has not been deleted and can be viewed by
using the link you sent or visiting the artist's gallery.

Best regards,

Rachel Lee


I got a message from Rachel,

...The reporting ONLY brings it to her attention...

...After that SHE considers the reports and makes a choice wether to remove it from the gallery or not...

...She chose to remove my pic & refuses to change her mind...


...Get your facts straight before jumping my ass Mike...


...Then I was lied to...

...If you recall, the only gripe I had about the whole censorship issue was that anyone could create 3 logins & report a pic as unacceptable... I wanted a "Final Authority" ...

...I bitched loudly till I was informed that she had the ability to NOT censor a pic...

...Mike, I like you a lot. That said, get off my back. I sent a request to Rachel asking her to "un" censor my pic...

...I am giving her an opportunity to correct it for me...

...And as I have already said, till she has time to consider it & make a determination on it, I am playing nice...

...I don't need you jumping all over me...


actually no. she does not have final determination. a picture is ONLY censored when three people report it.

i am truly sorry for your situation and only wish the best for you and your family, but please don't lash out at rachel. it's unfair.