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Kugush, there is nothing to apologise for ... newcomers will, no doubt, continue this thread and why not. Everyone's opinion is valid and a lapse in time should not exclude their comments. You expressed your view in a concise and articulate way and I find it interesting. Don't back off from coming in on any other old forums.


OMG, I'm so sorry! I didn't notice this thread was so outdated already....the forums I usually hang out in usually move a tad bit faster and the first page barely covers the last few hours' posts. I'm very sorry I brought this back to the top by commenting, it was almost off the page, too >:0(
I'll try to pay more attention in the future!


well now that we've beaten this topic to death, lets bury it and get back to the fun of drawing!


I'm new here, but I'll dare speak anyways. We're all free people, and probably most of us adults. We have a freedom of choice. And we have a "back" button. If you (meaning anyone) see a pic you don't like or don't condone, use the button and move on to something else. I don't understand why in every forum, whether it's art, crafts, fotography or whatwever, there has to be drama over people being offended by the most unimportant little things. We're here to express ourselves and if you do that by drawing a devil or a saint or a god or WHATEVER, do it! The rest of us have the choice to not vote, not comment, and move on. Only thing I'd agree with "censoring" would be the portrayal of pornographic or graphically violent images, because of underage users.

Good god, people, we're NOT in kindergarten anymore! If you wanna get worked up over something, go help after a hurricane or visit someone in hospice etc. Look at the news, there's enough going on the world to get offended by and worked up over, we don't need the drama on boards and forums that are for recreation and enjoyment.

That said...Amen!


well. hm. this was humorous. I have noticed the abundance of big bookers on this site as well. It gets boring after a while (i am a creature of spontaneity) , but honestly the Jesus pics are usually the most intricately crafted ones. You know why? It's passion. Keep doin' whatcha love people.