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Im glad that u brought this here to show all of us, i love dolphins and whales i will help!! And everybody out there, please help and make a difference!


please help save the lives of hundreds of beautiful, intelligent animals who DO feel pain and who DO suffer. They DO NOT deserve what happens to them.

"In Japan, fishermen round up and slaughter hundreds and even thousands of dolphins and other small whales each year. This brutal massacre — the largest scale dolphin kill in the world — goes on for six months of every year. Even more scandalous, members of the international dolphin display industry take advantage of the dolphin slaughter to obtain some few, show-quality dolphins for use in captive dolphin shows and dolphin swim programs."
( php)

Please follow this link, sign the petition, and take action. It doesn't take long at all. Thank you!


Keep in mind that you will need to correct the links in order to visit the sites, I promise they work. <3