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I confess, I do all my comments in Word then spell-check, copy & paste. I cheat!


Solosater... Many authors do this do pre-describe an accent or the way someone would speak...

Though it just bothers me if I see a mistake and then don't correct it >_< ... since it is my mistake...


Considering what it means, it would be logical if heterography had different spellings By the way - Hukked on foniks wurked fur me!!


Did you know you use a different part of your brain to spell than you use for reading and comprehension and that it is a memory issue and not in any way an intelligence issue? Did you also know that before the first dictionary was published there was not a wrong way to spell any word so long as your reader could understand it? So if you are like me, not such a great speller, remember this word: heterography (and no I’m not sure that’s the correct spelling,) it’s the use of different letters or groups of letters to represent the same sound or sounds. The next time someone gets on to you about your spelling tell him or her you are practicing heterography, or that you intended to be heterographic.
There is an interesting article about Noah Webster at
He is credited with writing the first American dictionary.
There is also one on spelling reform that is quite interesting, or at least I found it to be


knkagle, some of us who make typing errors are embarrassed by our own mistakes. We can't correct the comment so we use that method to try to put it right.