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well no, but 'wound up' is LOTS easier to figure out than 'taking the mickey'! ; D


I often have to change some slang expression in my comments ... just incase it's only used in UK and may have another meaning elsewhere. You're right about the missing ingredient of facial expession, Qsilv. We can't ask Rachel for that one, but wouldn't it be nice to know if we're being wound up rather than got at. (is 'wound up' a universally accepted expression?)


You're right Qsilv, it's easy to miss the true intention behind some of the things people say online simply because you can't hear their tone of voice.
I've often decided to change what I was typing because it might be considered rude when I really was meaning to be dry or sardonic.


(laughing...) Brats! BOTH of you!! (nooooo.... not you, km!!!)

km, don't worry... I'm pretty sure which comment it was and it did feel a bit out of the blue. I shot an eyebrow upwards myself, but I considered the sender... the best hearted sort of brat.

That's an issue with online communication... we can't see each others faces or pick up on posture or timing... and the stuff just kinda lies there after it's said.

That's how emoticons got started, a desperate attempt to add the missing dimension back in to this odd new medium... faster than thought-out hand-written letters sent by mail, more barren than phone chat.

We each are just who we are... and reflect that in our work. YOURS is almost unfailingly creative, strong, and sensitive. Lovable!


Oh! Oh! I hope it was me! I do!