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Have no fear Baldur Bear is here!
We need a juicy new Mugdots challenge for Mugdot Challenge #122.
I shall presently post it as a new thread.


Fearing I have frightened Jdtrozsnyai away, I have asked Baldur, as one of our excellent runners up, to take up the slack and lead us into the next Mugdots challenge. Do hope she comes back - I feel very bad indeed!


Monday 8/18 - I'm worried about the lack of response from Jdtrozsnyai, and hope she understands it's OK to say, "No thanks!"

I can select a back-up winner, no problem.


Time to close the Black & White curtain! Thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation. I had so many favorites and enjoyed all your efforts: Indigo's Candy Man, HA!. and Sleeping Dog; hjjr's Dinnertime Crows; Nancylee's Fibonacci stars and starry veil; Lizzi's gothic BW and floating starry Bride; courairacem's Moons and her As, Bs & Ys; Burgundy's abstract and Spin Cycle; Katidid's Full Moon on Lake and soulful Emmett Kelly.
Then Mekey's Gothic; clrmerd's Fifi and Golden Egg Goose; Baldur's Fortuny pleats and Chloe cat; Ceniracoura's 2 figures covered in oil(?); and Bugoy's strange Mask (or Robot?). 24 in all. But for sheer level of commitment plus fun pics, the baton goes to Jdtrosznyai. She sent 3 olders of Bear, Swan and Hedgehog. Then did 7 gothic designs, plus some gorgeous letters and an Elvis profile. Many thanks to all!


I captured one more from nancylee - her starry lacy veil: