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oh my, Q! I think this is a true record! Definitively hidden pics - LOL

Sorry being so busy with a translation, very few time to draw.
Good Luck Login!


Drat! ... spilt my hot chocolate. Now ... where did I put that golden wand? Don't go away ...


(sneaking back in....... slowwwly starting to laugh...)

Okay, you guys ALL win for "Most Hidden Work Ever"!

But by the rules of all Challenges from way-back-when, I get to choose the next baton holder based on pure whim, and, because the first rule privates learn in any army is "never volunteer, and dear, sweet, talented Login stuck her head up....

(...Login looks over from whatever she was doing.... sees a Q-shaped shadow flitting silently down a darkening corridor... and discovers... a rather nice mug sitting on her table and a tiny golden wand tucked into her sleeve!)



Don't give up on us, Q ... it may be a quickie but this brain is a slow starter. Watch this space ...


Ok, this one's a quickie. ONE week!

Come one, come all....

I'll pick someone to bonk with the baton on Saturday night, March 8
(Midnight US East Coast ThinkDraw time = 9pm Pacific)
...which is Sunday morning, March 9 in Europe
(Aussie and Asian artists get to do fancier addition/subtraction)....

SPEAKING OF WHICH... Don't we have a time change coming up then? Like, March 9 for most of the Americas, March 30 for most of Europe?

I've set a theme of "Hidden" to kind of go with the major Showcase one of "Mysteries" AND the sneaky time change stuff --feel free to take that in any direction you like.

And folks? Thanks for playing! ;>