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As for submitting previously done work, the site will only allow recent work into the showcase. They give you a few days leeway (about a week or so before the date the showcase opens I think) but anything done before that is not eligible.


I've never been able to see the Showcase option after once submitting a piece either.

So... I took to automatically entering 'em all, AND fudging the title logic .

Rachel will eventually kick out the ones she truly doesn't want in there. Sometimes within minutes, more usually a few hours. I've only really disagreed with her decision once... and I chose not to write to her to ask for reinstatement.

The thing is, if I'm lucky, I'll have thought the whole thing through rather well before I created it. SOME drawings, however, just... er... happen. Grow. Evolve.

By the time I finish a drawing I'm usually tired and stupid. After a little sleep --and comparison to others' pieces-- I may THINK a little differently about what message it can carry.

We can change the titles... multiple times, even... which is great for that THINK part of ThinkDraw.

I figure the post-submit Showcase entry feature is slightly broken. I'm just hoping she won't feel compelled to "fix" the issue by taking away our ability to re-name, like 'fixing' our ability to switch palettes mid-drawing.

; >


That was my request in the e-mail that wasn't answered.


I think I would just submit it to the gallery and ask Rachel to submit these pictures to the showcase for you.


I e-mailed Rachel one or two weeks ago about submitting an already done pic but to this date have not received an answer one way or the other.