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Thank you very much for the honor! I've been super busy with work. I'll come up with a list today or tomorrow. Stay tuned....


That was a brilliant contribution, Hazer.. in fact, I loved the whole thread ..

Thanks very much, mum, and go for it, Doug !


Congratulations Doug! I look forward to your word list.

Thank you Doug and mum for your words of encouragement....I did struggle with that word list for awhile. As with you mum...there's been a lot happening.


My apologies, folks, for neglecting this challenge for the last little while. There's been a lot happening... real life... y'know?

Apologies too, to chelydra... I couldn't find words (though I tried many times) to respond to your 'sermon', or rather, your character's sermon. There have been a few deaths close to me too, recently, and I'd found myself coming to opposite conclusions to those of your character's... anyway, it was all a bit too close and personal for anything coherent to come out when I tried to respond.

So... time to pass on the baton. Thank you all for your contributions... they were all wonderful. As there's only one 'legal' contribution (ie 286 words), I'll ignore that criterion, and hand the baton over to Doug, because it's good to see you back, and because right now I'd like to believe in a world where one could take such a leap of faith as he described, and land unharmed at the bottom.

Congrats, and looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Yes, a VERY nice submission, Hazer! I found myself getting caught up in it, and loved the surprise in the ending.