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Thanks for the feedback, as I am new to the forums. I will stick with the winner that I named. Looking forward to your new challenge...


Jcrl, Actually the winner of a challenge set the next one. So if you agree I Just have in mind a good topic (I hope!).

Another rule of the challenge is that the owner chose the winner. This not necessarily means the pic who got more votes; it is exclusively based on the appreciation or choise of the owner. So, feel free if you want to change the winner ;-)
let me know!


Our Mugdots Challenge 105 top-vote getter is Clorophilla's Corpse Bride. Congratulations, Clorophilla. If everyone does not mind, I would like to continue with the Mugdots Challenge. If you have no problems with my request, I will post the new challenge tomorrow afternoon.

Mugdots Challenge 105 Winner: Corpse Bride


Hey There TDers! Just a few more days for the Mugdots Challenge 105/CV. So hurry and get those bridal drawings in as we head towards the close of June. Here is one more for the challenge...


One more bride for our June challenge...