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Congrats to all you in the top 5 for Feb. All the pictures are fabulous. I missed most of them the first time round, but wow,wow,wow! Great job to all. ( Thou shalt not coet, The shalt not..)


awww, matthew, are u coping? do u need a hug? i mean... nothing to bitch about! what a crisis! stuff putting it on the forums, i'd go straight to the national newspapers!!!


...I was talking of how the top 5 is determined now... the highest rating sorting is still the same way it was...

...The top 5 is now based on a combination of # of votes and rating...

...Example... Cute girl's "Beauty" pic made the top 5 in gothic with 16 votes of 5 and 1 vote of 4 over my pic in gothic that had 13 votes of 5...

...Her pic was SOOOOO much better than mine but didn't get much attention after it dropped down in ratings due to her 4 vote she got...

...I bet if she never received the 4 vote, more people would have seen her pic & she might have been 1st in the top 5...

...But at least she made it...

... There is NO perfect system, but I can live with this one...


is it fixed? I don't see a change in standings or does it not repair retroactive problems?
My test was to check just my pieces by how high they were ranked, the result was that my highest ranked pieces have but a few votes (all 5s) but some of my major pieces with 30 votes or higher (but hit by the one vote bandit) are still way down the list


LOL - It's OK Matthew, you will find something new. We have faith in you.
Me too, Thanks, Rachel.