Profile for marcottse:
Profile Picture for marcottse Location: 2992 N 300 East
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Website: -
About Me: I'm really famous!! i love music, dancing, doing art, and i can sing really good!! i'm a really talented person!! my name is "Sean Marcott" and i'm used to become an amazing artist and a talented singer!! i used to join the choir since i was in North Ogden Junior High!! i sing tenor and i can sing really high!! it feels so good inside my heart!! also, i'm super good at drawing cool stick figures, and i can draw people too!! And you're going to really like me because i'm a really friendly person!

Think Draw Stats:

Date Joined: 21 Oct 2018   Number of pictures: 1

marcottse has 0 followers and is following 0 users

