Profile for Aira:
Profile Picture for Aira Location: Marikina, Philippines
Age: 24
Gender: Female
About Me: Hi! I'm Aira Criscel. I love dogs and books. So, I'm a book and dog lover. I've got a Shih Tzu named Carlie. She's almost 1 year old. But she's still my baby girl. I'm 11. I used to have long hair,but it's so hot here so I had it cut short. I'm a Filipino and proud to be. I look like a Singaporean(many people tell me that)but I'm not. I wear glasses since I was about 6 years old. I'm going to be Grade 6 this coming school year.

Think Draw Stats:

Date Joined: 10 Apr 2009   Number of pictures: 112

Aira has 15 followers and is following 18 users


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