Profile for CobraKai18:
Profile Picture for CobraKai18 Location: Albion, New York
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Website: -
About Me: being only 13 years old gives me a big disadvantage to you guys. you've probably been doing TD for years I've been doing it for weeks. to tell you some things about me I like to read, eat, and play sports. I've gotten student of the month and the character award for my school. all of my sisters are older than me and two of them have kids. because I was adopted I rarely get to see them, so I'm super exited to see them on Christmas same with my mom I only get to see her 4 times a year every year.

Think Draw Stats:

Date Joined: 26 Oct 2020   Number of pictures: 10

CobraKai18 has 2 followers and is following 22 users


  Christmas Holidays