Title: The Pigalope Charged, I Stepped Aside
created on 29 Mar 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. Tracy123 wrote:
2. chelydra wrote:
 first two-panel cartoon i've seen here... story-telling possibilities open up...
3. surekha wrote:
 Very correct ! Nice ones.
4. marg wrote:
 LOL.. brilliantly done, coho !
5. spam wrote:
 Well done but definitely would have woken up if this was my dream.....
6. kyung wrote:
 Wow, he charged and I stepped aside-- nice dream :O)
7. polenta wrote:
 is this going to be a story??? Good!!! by the way, is it Pigalope or Piggalope?
 nice story lol
9. Normal wrote:
 Glad you were quick-footed. Once I evaded a dream lion by standing in a doorway holding a pillow in front of me. Odd solution.
10. coho wrote:
 I have no idea how piggalope, pigalope is spelled. In the US we have a thing called a jackalope, half antelope, half jack rabbit. Pillow seems a good non violent solution.
11. Whiffler wrote:
 Love it! I must remember this next time I get a verbal piggalope come at me.